Awaiting for activation

Hey, my friend asked to post here because admins dont activate his account for a couple of hours..
His acc: InsaneRecords


The Beta Testers will activate his account.My account was activated some days after the registration so keep waiting

omg a couple of hours so slow wtf

It's activated.

I'm curious. The accounts have to be activated by an admin before they can be used these days? There wasn't such thing when i registered...?

Because a lot of people have been using free mail accounts to set up usernames here to spam, troll, and basically be retarded.

Once the collective IQ of the nightclub starts to go down, management gets bigger (and pickier) bouncers

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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Because a lot of people have been using free mail accounts to set up usernames here to spam, troll, and basically be retarded.

Once the collective IQ of the nightclub starts to go down, management gets bigger (and pickier) bouncers
Says kaisersouse and his ever-expanding pimp mentality.

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