[FilterScript] [FS] Job Hunter Dini. By STRIKE

Hello Friends. Today I bring this FS I did a while ago. Actually already had a year ago, but as I found it I had to do it again q. Now out to thank Bruno da Silva script to detect the shot

This is a job hunter as the title says. You go to a cabin located for dumpster angel pine. Once you get the job. automatically a deer (Randomnizado) you should look and shoot is created. When you shoots the deer, the deer disappears automatically and another deer is created in X place and you earn $ 1,000 per deer.
That itself is not easy to find a deer, so you will have to ride a vehicle looking for a bambi. in some cases it is difficult to kill and you should find that your weak point deer die.

You should create a folder with the name Cazador scriptfiles. There the employment variable is saved

Commands test /irx - /irx2 - /irx3 etc /irx10




Strike (creador de FS)
Bruno da Silva(creador del Script para detectar disparo)


P/D.: Pobre Bambi :llorar:

is good, but I think it could improve

Yeah,a bit of improve.

Can You Make It In english?!
It's English Section

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