Issues with lag compensation

We've been testing the new SAMP version extensively on our A&D mode with only good experienced players and have noticed some annoying persistent issues with the new system.

A desync issue can often cause players to become completely unhittable
The compensation does not always work correctly so even shooting the skin is unreliable

I'll get some video's later today demonstrating these issues, what was interesting was we got better results turning on our anti-lag system which actually works well with the lag compensation.

@Edit just came up with a name for this bug - "Ghost shot bug" or "Ghosting" similar to "Floating" in 0.2



Now think about this when you have 5v5 players the chances of this happening between two or more players is 100 percent.

Note d0: Cover animation at 0:18 seems to fix it

It looks a lot like the old floating problem but only the bullets dont appear.


This is some serious issue. Confirmed.

Confirming. Had this a few times on my test server.

Originally Posted by Diablosrouge
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It looks a lot like the old floating problem but only the bullets dont appear.
That is our take it's like SAMP 0.2 "Your floating out of sync!" except the indication is a lot less.

Originally Posted by [KHK]Khalid
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This is some serious issue. Confirmed.
It is serious I would agree given it's difficult to notice however this version isn't released yet so I'm sure this issue will most likely be fixed but it's good we bring our findings to the SAMP team before something like this is overlooked.

Apparently getting in and out of a car resolves this issue have not confirmed that yet however.

In the current SAMP there is a bug where you will be shooting a player, but on their screen you're just moving around like sliding(And no, not the slide exploit.), this looks alot like that issue except now you actually see them shooting but you're still not taking damage from their rounds.

bug bug bug, where there bug ?

Originally Posted by AzTeCaS
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Note d0: Cover animation at 0:18 seems to fix it
he re-synced himself. this calls SpawnPlayer and then setplayerpos and gives him his weapons back etc in the same spot. it's standard in any a/d mode. it used to exist due to 0.2 floating issues and now it is used to give unlimited sprint and when done at the right time, while falling to take no damage from the fall.

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