Question about custom damage


So with this new update I have a question about the weapon damage. So before this update when you made a custom damage system the damage you set would be added up by the default damage by gta san andreas, so is this gone now? I mean can we change the damage 100%?


Yes, you can still change the damage using OnPlayerTake/GiveDamage.

Originally Posted by IstuntmanI
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Yes, you can still change the damage using OnPlayerTake/GiveDamage.
I knew that but can we now alter the default damage aswell? like so when you set it to 50 in your script will it be 50 or will the default damage be still added up there?

If you set everyone's team to the same (0), then they can't damage each other due to the anti-teamkill feature. OnPlayerGiveDamage and OnPlayerTakeDamage still get called though, so you can completely control damage.

Since this callback only detects weapon shots (firearms) and not all weapons, it will not be usefull for what you want. However as mike already mentioned you can already do that, and it's very simple.

Here's a code i posted in a similar thread:

Ok thanks guys.

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