Music System save and load

Dear Guys,

I'm looking for a music system which allows admins/rcon admins to add music/mp3/******* from an url ingame (which saves and loads from an ini file) somewhere for example near the shopping mall. So players near it will hear music playing.

Is there one? I've been searching but haven't found it yet.

Could someone help me please?

Thank you all in advance.

This is the WRONG Section.This board is for seeking help with codes from other players and not to ask for something that you cant find in the Forum,you could have posted it in other boards too.Btw here you can find it. or use 'Search'Button.

Dear Sojo12 Thank you for the info. It was not my intention to abuse the forum. I've already searched for it but could not find it.

I've found a boombox filterscript which allows players to place a boombox.
I've tried to edit it to my needs, but I don't know how to fix it.

Could someone take a look at it?

This is the original source:

This is what I have tried so far:

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