[FilterScript] Derbylicious - An awesome derby minigame

A fully dynamic sophisticated derby minigame.

It basically works with one command /derby. Every x amount of seconds/minutes a new derby will load as players are able to sign up for the derby which will commence in x amount of time by using that command.

The main list file for derby is "Derby.min".
When you create a new .deb file, just add it's name to that list so the script can load it.

The .deb files are data files telling the script about the derby's name/coords/world/int etc.
Remember, you can edit and/or delete files even when the script is running. Changes will appear on next derby machine callback.

I've only including my own derby files just so you can see how they work. I recommend you make some derby mapping above water. I'm not providing any maps..

pawn Код:
Example formation:

Name of Derby|Interior|VirtualWorld|VehicleModel|MinimumHeight|CheckInactivity|CheckHeight

No time for a video, here's a piccy

Credit Kags for creating the concept of the minigame and thanks to a mate who made a few final touch ups.

I might work on version 2 which will include derby record times so stay updated on this thread.

Source: http://pastebin.com/GMnPHuNH
Package: http://www.sendspace.com/file/gz340d (Includes scriptfiles)

Nice work!

nice +rep

nice out :P

nice fs lad

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