14.01.2014, 14:43
Dynamic Race System by V1T0
-System is made from scratch by V1T0 a.k.a vB.
-I finished system in 30 minutes.
-System version is BETA (possible bugs)
(Admin commands):
/ecreate - creating a vehicle
/eport - port vehicle to you
/eunisti - destroy created vehicle
/race - race information
/loadrace - loading race
/unloadrace - unloading race
/raceinvite - invite player to a race
/startrace - start race
/raceport - port to first Checkpoint
/seestart - You can see first checkpoint
(Head Admin Commands):
/racecreationpermit - gave player the authority to create a race
(Commands for player who have authority to create a race):
/racecp - Createing race checkpoints and settings
/racename - Global Race title
/saverace - security code is: 2011001 | race file name(for /loadrace) | vehicles: if 1 = race , if 0 = running/maraton | circles: how many circles would race have
- http://www.solidfiles.com/d/818fd2837d/
-System is made from scratch by V1T0 a.k.a vB.
-I finished system in 30 minutes.
-System version is BETA (possible bugs)
(Admin commands):
/ecreate - creating a vehicle
/eport - port vehicle to you
/eunisti - destroy created vehicle
/race - race information
/loadrace - loading race
/unloadrace - unloading race
/raceinvite - invite player to a race
/startrace - start race
/raceport - port to first Checkpoint
/seestart - You can see first checkpoint
(Head Admin Commands):
/racecreationpermit - gave player the authority to create a race
(Commands for player who have authority to create a race):
/racecp - Createing race checkpoints and settings
/racename - Global Race title
/saverace - security code is: 2011001 | race file name(for /loadrace) | vehicles: if 1 = race , if 0 = running/maraton | circles: how many circles would race have
- http://www.solidfiles.com/d/818fd2837d/