Textdraw clickable problem

Can someone explain me why if i click a textdraw, or i open a clickable texdraws list, if i press EC the textdraws doesn't hide? Is very annoying. Any tip to fix it?

I think you can't disable with pressing ESC because esc key isn't found on key list , try to find another key also if you want to show again use https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/SelectTextDraw

The problem is i NEED to hide those textdraws when i press Esc key. I have a textdraw shop where you can select weapons and if i press Esc the textdraws stays..and this is ugly.

Have you tried to use mSelection ? also there is many filterscripts on that :
Edit: another suggestion , just create a cancel button inside your textdraws and when the player click on that button hide the textdraws for him and if it's clickable just use CancelSelectTextDraw.

OnPlayerKeyState and find name for ES key. If there is no name for that key, then you cannot close them with ES key.

I don't wanna use mSelection. About the cancel button, i already made it. But what if player wrongly press ESC or he thinks ESC key can disable shop? They have to open it again and click the cancel button i made, to hide textdraws. This is why is a bit annoying.

Originally Posted by Face9000
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I don't wanna use mSelection. About the cancel button, i already made it. But what if player wrongly press ESC or he thinks ESC key can disable shop? They have to open it again and click the cancel button i made, to hide textdraws. This is why is a bit annoying.
just hide the textdraws when a player presses ESC. Shouldn't be too hard to do, or set them clickable again.

The problem is, HOW i can detect if ESC key is pressed?

Originally Posted by Face9000
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The problem is, HOW i can detect if ESC key is pressed?
OnPlayKeyStage I already said, it gets player key. You can make OnPlayKeyStage (examle) key_no SendClientMessage playerid,color Yiu are not admin.

Emh, as i know you can't detect ESC key from OnPlayerKeyStateChange.

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