libssl0.9.8.0 debian 7 wheezy (mysql )


I have debian 7 64b for run samp I use apt-get install lib32stdc++6 all works ( 3 plugins ) safe MySQL plugin R6

I use:
x86 (compiled on Debian5) ""

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x-R2, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[17:58:20] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[17:58:20] Server Plugins
[17:58:20] --------------
[17:58:20]  Loading plugin:
[17:58:20]   Failed ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[17:58:20]  Loading plugin:
But on wheezy impossible to install "" So i'm blocked

Someone have compiled the R6 on debian 7? or there are a other solution ( like use compiled on Debian 5 32b but i have Failed ( )


  1. install the 32bit libmysqlclient18
  2. download the complete R6 source
  3. edit the 'makefile'; there is somewhere a '-lmysqlclient16....', replace the number '16' with '18'
  4. save and close the 'makefile'
  5. run 'make'
Now you should have a, fully compatible with your system.

ok tanks.

"1.install the 32bit libmysqlclient18"

OK but why no the 16 version? and on 32b how?
apt-get install libmysqlclient18
I has a 64 bits version I need to add others informations?

"3 edit the 'makefile'; there is somewhere a '-lmysqlclient16....', replace the number '16' with '18'"

i see only "$(GPP) -O2 -fshort-wchar -shared -o $(OUTFILE) *.o -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient_r -lpthread"

"5 run 'make'"

How? what's folder destination?

****** will teach you on how to install 32bit packages in a 64bit Debian Wheezy installation.

Seems like you don't have to edit the makefile at all, so just leave it as it was before.

'make' is a terminal command. You have to run it while being in the MySQL plugin's source folder, where the makefile is located.

ok otherwise I use the Debian 5 (no x86) but i have Failed

apt-get install libmysqlclient16 ia32-libs or install libmysqlclient16:i386 or install libmysqlclient16 will work?

Originally Posted by maddinat0r
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'make' is a terminal command. You have to run it while being in the MySQL plugin's source folder, where the makefile is located.
Finally I think compile it. So going to the folder samp/plugins/mysqlsource next make -f makefile it's right?


Let me clarify here. OpenSSL plugins won't get installed when you install MySQL packages because it is a security package, not some database/miscellaneous plugin.

Firstly, I make sure to cd to plugins folder and do this, "ldd" (without quotes). You should get a list of directories in which what plugins does the MySQL plugin use. In Debian, most (if not, all) of the plugins being used is in the directory /usr/lib.

Try this -:

sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8

If it doesn't work, here's the .deb file so you can download and install it. Do after download,

sudo dpkg -i libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-4squeeze14_i386.deb

I think to compile. "libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-4squeeze14_i386.deb" i'am on 64 bits

I want to compile it. But it's not very explicated.

I install mysql/php/apache (lamp )
I install GCC + g++
I install in the folder samp/plugins/mysqlsourcer6 next how compile it? with "make"?

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