Windows is starting to piss me off...

Can anyone of you give tell me a good OS, i really getting pissed of at Windows, i've been a fan of windows for years, but now, i'm done, they always making new versions but never fixing.

SteamOS, Ubuntu, Linux Mint. Have

Windows is your best bet, sorry, the others are far worse. Windows 7 is probably the best.

Also this statement is purely stupid: "they always making new versions but never fixing."

What do you think all those "Windows Updates" are. I get between 15-20 a week being installed on my Windows 7 OS (Security updates/improvements/patches, bug fixes, service updates, language and icon packs, the list goes on and on). Windows is by far the best computer OS company out there.

Mac's OS's are good for developer things, but they are about as open as iphone's are compared to Android's. I would never recommend a Mac for the average PC user.

Windows 8.1 best also windows always gives put updates what do you mean most probably your computer is screwed up.

my computer is screwed up? bro i reinstall windows 7 like 3 or 4 times, i make programs with, ever time i get the same error, its not code error.

Ubuntu is just bloat nowadays, I'm currently running Crunchbang it's minimal and simple to use compared to other Linux distros, if you want something more minimal use arch.

Just for curiousity what is main difference between Linux Mint and Windows?
Cuz I just ******d for Mint, and I felt in love, so, what I wouldn't be able to do on Linux, or it was dumb question?

Originally Posted by ic3cr3am
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my computer is screwed up? bro i reinstall windows 7 like 3 or 4 times, i make programs with, ever time i get the same error, its not code error.
What kind of error? Because I'm starting to think it is because of you/your code, not because of Windows.

Originally Posted by ******
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Ignore jakejohnsonusa and get Linux Mint. lolumadd_ had a few suggestions but steamos is still in alpha and only for experienced Linux users, Ubuntu is the standard Linux option but missing several features out of the box on principle. Linux Mint is Ubuntu without the terrible new desktop, and with drivers, flash, mp3 codecs, and a few other things that everyone wants but Canonical refuse to bundle.
Except for the fact that it's not perfect nor fully supported. It still has conflicts with certain hardware and drivers, such is the case with my laptop. Ubuntu has issues as well, but Mint just hits me just a bit harder.

well.. yes

Originally Posted by jakejohnsonusa
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Windows is your best bet, sorry, the others are far worse. Windows 7 is probably the best.

Also this statement is purely stupid: "they always making new versions but never fixing."

What do you think all those "Windows Updates" are. I get between 15-20 a week being installed on my Windows 7 OS (Security updates/improvements/patches, bug fixes, service updates, language and icon packs, the list goes on and on). Windows is by far the best computer OS company out there.

Mac's OS's are good for developer things, but they are about as open as iphone's are compared to Android's. I would never recommend a Mac for the average PC user.
I second this. This guy knows his shit.

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