How to make custom interior ?

Hello guys ..
How to make custom interior ?
then we can enter it ?

Help me for get +REP1 ..
Thanks !

Sorry but annoying signature, had to say that before continuing. You make one in any map editor, e.g. MTA Map Editor (YES you will have to ****** those complicated words to find the download location ). You have to make an /enter command or anything so when they type the command or key or whatever, you will make an if-statement asking if the are close to the outside door. If so, you will teleport them with SetPlayerPos, SetPlayerVirtualWorld and SetPlayerInterior. Same thing once they are inside.

****** following words:
"MTA map editor download"
"samp - enter command" - yes second choice is actually a video!!!
"samp - setplayerpos"
"samp - setplayervirtualworld"
"samp setplayerinterior"


MTA sucks, I suggest you use the SA-MP map editor. It's way better

Download SA:MP map editor as it is much better to learn to use than MTA editor. Link here:
You will need to create your interior using objects, I recommend building them around 1000-1300 Z (height axis).
After you have built your interior, go into the interior using the "Test" function and /save where you want the entrace to be. Do this again outside the interior where you want players to enter. After that, get the 2 different positions and make a command to enter them. You will need to use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint to see if a player is near the door, and use SetPlayerPos (change the players location to the inside door) and SetPlayerVirtualWorld if you want them to be in a different virtual world. Using Incognito's Streamer you can also create the objects in a different interior and use SetPlayerInterior so they see those objects. Don't forget to create all the mapped objects inside OnGameModeInit!

The last time I mapped an interior, I used the editor that BlackSirrah posted. You must use wall objects etc to make the interior to your liking. Once you've done that, you need to actually implement those objects into your game via the CreateDynamicObject function I believe it is. Then, you need to /save your position and when the user enters the door you have created, just SetPlayerPos and set it to your custom interior you've made.

Under OnGameModeInIt post codes of your interior that you have made with SA-MP map editor.
Select enterce of the map and create enter command that will work like, ifplayerinrangeofpoint-setplayerpos.
Make same for exit command.

if you using CreateDynamicObject, by default,it's automaticly created in all interior.
pawn Код:
native CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = 200.0, Float:drawdistance = 0.0);
Q: Then we can enter it?
A: Why not? you can easly use
pawn Код:
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, interiorid); // the same interior id with the map you created
you can avoid the player find the map by changing the worldid(on the CreateDynamicObject). becouse by default it's setted -1 that mean all virtualworld. and when you want to enter it, also add
pawn Код:
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, worldid); // the same world id with the map

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