[FilterScript] Restricted Area 51!

Restricted Area 51!
Hello everyone,

This filterscript is an example of L_S-A-M which is an include released by me on the beginning of this year. I've created this filterscript not only as an example, but also to make the current S-A-M systems on Area 51 to work out well.

Many of you might have seen an area called "Restricted Area" on Las Ventures, which shoots out missiles if we're entering the base. I hope that's the location and now using this, it'll work similarly like the one you've seen on GTA San Andreas.

The script replaces the original SAM objects and creates it's own SAM. It attacks those who are on the range specified. In case if you're using this and got any class to get spawned there, you can use the stock function "Area51_NoAttacks" on that player. The code also doesn't attack RCON logged in Administrators in case if they're at Area 51.

And btw, my indentation used to suck, but PAWN processor accepts it Well on this filterscript, I've tried to improve it.



I just noticed while using SA-MP Map editor that there's 3 SAM model which only got it's textures different but the way it looks is exactly the same. Out of 3, 2 SAM objects would get destroyed or exploded if someone damages it but the third one doesn't! Whoever uses this filterscript, better download the LATEST L_S-A-M include and re-compile. It will support non-breakable SAM.

SoldFiles (Full Package <.pwn, .amx and L_SAM include>) : http://www.solidfiles.com/d/1c676f3d0d/
PasteBin (PWN only) : http://pastebin.com/fZHEt3Wj

How u b so Jenius?

This is awesome1


I just noticed while using SA-MP Map editor that there's 3 SAM model which only got it's textures different but the way it looks is exactly the same. Out of 3, 2 SAM objects would get destroyed or exploded if someone damages it but the third one doesn't! Whoever uses this filterscript, better download the LATEST L_S-A-M include and re-compile. It will support non-breakable SAM.

Very Cool

Good job

Thanks everyone! Btw, I'm a bit confused about "Area 51" and "Area 69". It seems like both are the same, eh?

great job..

Originally Posted by Lordz™
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Thanks everyone! Btw, I'm a bit confused about "Area 51" and "Area 69". It seems like both are the same, eh?
its both area 51/69

It's basically area 51, but Rockstar named it area 69 because they seem to have a fetish for 69, and also to prevent any legal trouble.

Cool, nice script.

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