Problem with compiling through a batch (.bat) file

I want to compile my gm through a batch file to update some stuff like the date when the gamemode was compiled, and almsot everything works except the part with compiling -.-
I have this code:
"C:\Documents and Settings\XYZ\Desktop\SAMPServer\pawno\pawncc.exe" "gaymode.pwn" -r -w 203
It starts pawncc.exe properly, but the compiler gives errors:
203.p(0) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "203.p"

Compilation aborted.
1 Error.
So it somehow takes the parameters for compilation as the filename -.-
Removing these parameters kinda works, but then the compiler gives 26 errors and i dont get them when compiling through PAWNO.
I also tried leaving the parameters blank in the batch file and creating the file pawn.cfg in pawno directory with these parameters, but still it gave the same error.
Thanks in advance

Do you have a file named 203.p
You need to put that file with all the other files in pawno-include.

NikO1 i see you didnt understand, i dont want to compile any 203.p file, but the compiler takes the parameter -w 203 as a filename. Anyways, i have fixed it by changing the startup parameters to these:
"C:\Documents and Settings\XYZ\Desktop\SAMPServer\pawno\pawncc.exe" gaymode.pwn -;+ -\ -(+
Is it safe though ?


Well, i have another problem :/
I changed the run options in PAWNO to start my bat file and cleared the parameters, everything saved and i can see the change but when i hit compile or compile & run, still the default window appears and not my script :/

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