How can I add NPC's?

How do I get people walking around like they do in single player mode?

My file:

lanmode 0
rcon_password *******
hostname Santa
gamemode0 grandlarc 1
filterscripts base gl_actions gl_property gl_realtime
maxnpc 10000000
onfoot_rate 90
incar_rate 1
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000

Search next time. That's a nice webpage you have there anyway.

I wanted to search but I don't know the 'terms' to put into it so I figured a post would be quicker.

Alright, pal, that shouldn't be a serious problem. Did you get it to work?

I haven't tried it yet, But since you bumped this I guess I can ask a question regarding the post you linked me to.

From reading through it, It looks as though I can only add 1 NPC at a time and I need to get the Co-ord's for each one?

Yes. However I'm sure you could create an array for coords. Then randomly select it for each NPC, also the same with skin ids etc... Even names. If you wanted to create it more like singleplayer.

You cant add npcs like the sinlgeplayer pedestrians. Normal npcs are more like "programmed robots" that just do what you previously recorded for them, and dont interact with other players or take damage when hit.
There are ways to realize this with stuff like fcnpc or rnpc, but its a really complex job to get anything like in singleplayer.

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