Whirlpool error

What is this? and what should i do?

[15:11:37] Failed (plugins/Whirlpool.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)


Could anyone help me ASAP?! need it for my new server

This error is very rare, Try downloading the 64 bit binary of Whirpool

Try This: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/688303825c/

This kind of error mostly occurs on 64 bit Ubuntu Linux.

Hi, I think I am a bit late, but nevertheless, its because youre using a Linux OS and a whirlpool plugin file which is for 32bit, on a 64bit OS.
So, as pds2k12 said, just download whirlpool plugin 64bit, and it will work perfectly fine. ive faced this before

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