Timer Help

Hey, i was just wondering if anyone could help.

I have a VIP system and a gift system.
I am trying to make it so players can win VIP for 24 hours however i don't want to have to be there to remove there vip.

I am guessing i cannot use SetTimerEx as the timer will not continue for the player if they relog i don't think?

Im not sure if im correct.

If they relog it will reset the timer or mess it up ?

Anyway if that doesn't work can someone tell me another way that this can be done? Or will it have to be done with MySQL?


you need foreach.ini include

download it first, then put it in pawno < include

okey, this method works until January 19, 2038

store the timestamp of the actual time a player wins the VIP thingy in your player files

tempVIP[playerid] = gettime();

now to check if 1 day has passed, we just do this:

if(gettime() - tempVIP[playerid] > 60*60*24) return //vip time is up remove the vip state

we can place that if statement somewhere where it gets called like every 3 or 5 seconds. We dont need a dirty timer
for example, place it in OnPlayerStatechange
time will still "pass by" even if the server is offline since were doing the timestamp-method

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