Question regarding MySQL and dialogs.


Say a table in MySQL was called criminal records

Alright, if someone has a row in there it contains information regarding their criminal record.

I.e crime, officer arranged, time, date etc.


If I do a MySQL query and it finds that there are 2 rows (records) matching that persons name then how could I make a maximum of 10 display in a dialog?

Like this:

Showing LATEST 10 records:
Crime here
Crime here.

Because they only have two records how can I like only make it show 2, as in if the maximum is 10 how can I SHOW the latest 10 or most recent, without showing them all, I'm confused by this...

Use LIMIT <amount to show>,<starting row> at the end of your query.


SELECT * FROM criminal_records WHERE name = '%s' ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 10,0

That would select all fields and rows from the table criminal_records, order them by their recorded time in ascending order, and limit the results to only show the first 10 criminal records.

Would that mean I'd have to save the time?

Also yeah that covers the MySQL part but what about the dialog? How do I do it without the listitem 1 etcccc?

Originally Posted by Dokins
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Would that mean I'd have to save the time?

Also yeah that covers the MySQL part but what about the dialog? How do I do it without the listitem 1 etcccc?
You don't have to unless you plan on doing some sort of ordering, I'd assume you'd do it by latest time report. It's up to you.

I haven't done dialogs in a very long time, so I don't really know. However I'd assume it'd be assigning the results to an array then parsing it in a dialog menu. And what do you mean 'listitem 1 etcccccc'

As in,

pawn Код:
if(listitem == 1)
     //Code Here
Instead of me having to like uhm actually add individually...I use a string,

so say there are 10 rows, do I have to do something like:

pawn Код:
if(rows == 1)
   format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", CriminalRecord(mysqlresulthere));
if(rows == 2)
   format(string, sizeof(string), "%s\n%s", CriminalRecord, CriminalRecord.));
How can I do the above without having to do if(mysql_rows == 1, == 2 == 3) etc and just do it as it is?

Format the output from the query into a string and then parse it, yes. However with listitems (just looked real quick on the wiki) I don't understand what you're exactly trying to do now. From what I'm understanding you just want to list the latest 5 results, and that's it. Nothing more, right?

Originally Posted by Toni
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Format the output from the query into a string and then parse it, yes. However with listitems (just looked real quick on the wiki) I don't understand what you're exactly trying to do now. From what I'm understanding you just want to list the latest 5 results, and that's it. Nothing more, right?
How do I parse it?

As in, I uhm, Basically trying to make a relatively dynamic way of doing it, like

Yeah, latest 5 results, but what if there isn't 5 results to be listed?

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