some errors

[debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[debug] Accessing element at index 3 past array upper bound 2
[debug] Backtrace (most recent call first):
[debug] #0 public OnPlayerPickUpStreamPickup()+0x3394 from szrp.amx
[debug] #1 public Streamer_OnPlayerPickUpPickup()+0x68 from szrp.amx
[debug] #2 native CallLocalFunction() from samp-server.exe
[debug] #3 0x00000000()+0x2628c from szrp.amx

What's the problem with that ....I saw this in the server log

You have an array going out of bound. For example, you have an array set to [2] but you're calling [2] that is out of bound.

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