Help me decide - SWAT 4 or Zombie RP

Hey, I need some help to decide which one of these two I should script. It's been ages since I've scripted something, more than a year, maybe two.

So I thought I should get back after a while and script something. Right now I'm thinking about scripting a SWAT 4 gamemode or a Zombie RP.

I don't have any other things in mind only these two, not planning on scripting any kind of other gamemodes, for now.

I'd go for SWAT 4. There already are shitload of weird rps out there...

Make something unique.

Neither. They both have been done before and they both suck.

Originally Posted by lolumadd_
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Neither. They both have been done before and they both suck.
I wouldn't judge a type of gamemode by what's been made out of it before. Who knows? He could be a great scripter and create a really good-looking, fun gamemode.

SWAT 4 I'd like to see something very similar to SWAT 4 game itself

SWAT 4 certainly

What does it matter what a few people on here vote? They wont be the people using your server.
Decide for yourself or ask your user-base, if you already operate a server.

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