Help with sending all the attempted cmds to admin.

Hey there, what should i add in my script so every time a player types a cmd either its a right one or a wrong one it should send the message to owner like " Playername used Commandname" e.g Marven used /me tries to jump over the fench.

Try this but im not 100% sure

public OnPlayerCommandReceived(playerid, cmdtext[])
    new string[128],playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
format(string, sizeof string, "Player %s Typed %s", playername,cmdtext);
	SendHead(-1,string);//your stock for sendadminmessage like
    return 1;

stock SendHead(color, string[])
	foreach (Player, i)
	 		if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin?] == ?)//your admin and level here
			SCM(i, color, string);

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