Bank starting money,

How to edit my bank starting money?

You need to have /register and /login system along with small bank system..
when player register his acc you need to set "pInfo[playerid][BankMoney]" to your own money value, try to download any RP GameMode and check there ^^

There are many ways , i can't respond to you because it depends on what Bank System you use, if your bank system is implemented in the gamemode..and more , i''ll let you discover by yourself, but i'll give you some advice:

1. Watch for user files in scriptfiles maybe be there
2. Watch for a command that set the bank money account, sometimes is one ( if is RP )

I got no script like "pInfo[playerid][BankMoney]"
I did "Bank" and there's no somthing with "bank"
can I have the cmd?

Check out this tutorial.

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