23.11.2013, 08:50
original by Cuervo
Warning: This gamemode is completely traducted in French
- Don't remove car files.ini or business.ini to prevent bug or not appears of pickups
- Delete respectiv .ini files of leaders_directories to allow new leader
Don't miss to set the right plugins (linux or windows) in your server.cfg files (.dll or .so)
original by Cuervo
Warning: This gamemode is completely traducted in French
Major changes of this version: - Add system to sell bizz,sbiz,house and car between players - Change major commands in menu - Fix some major LARP bugs like Vehicles change ID, /v plate etc... - Change all the wanted system to make similar to solomode - Separate Biss ans Sbizz in two different kategory - Add new system of maladie - Fix clock delay - Change all the phone system - Add new system of vehicle attribution for cops - Fix all pickup not appears problem - Change all the illegal jobs gameplays - Add new systme of boot in vehicle with save in Dini files for each car - Add gang zone war system with save on Dini files - Add new system of safes for gang to put money or guns - Add system of argus for cars devaluation - Change all the bizz product system, replace entered system by products system - Add menu system to manage business and s-business - Add system of car renovation to refound initial car value - Change payday system - Add system of insurance for car to prevent devaluation - Add system of insurance for player to prevent loosing money on death - Add password forgotten system - Add registered player counter - Add music player system with menu - Replace all the selling weapons system on amunation and at arms dealer with menu - Create new job of painter and tunner of cars - Change whore job with add of box - Add restore health system with eating stuff - Remapping of all majors location like fbi, police stations, each gang HQ.. - Add new business like Pharmacy - Add system of security cams for police and fbi - Change illegals jobs access, need to be member of gang or mafia to make it - Add system to prevent double leader of a faction - Change duty and equipement system - Change clothes system with menu selection - Add forbidden clothes with sex attribut - Change taxi call with choice available of the most cheaper - Change ooc chat - Add system to lock new cars sell at dealership - Add system of criminal files - Fix drunk bug - Fix lock cars bug - Fix spawn bug - All deliver job bugs to sell products on bizz - Add system of live broadcasting for ABC studio - Add tv system - Add tax of road utilisation with check point (telepeage) - Add casino slot machine - Add vehicle steal system with ownable car blocked during 4 hours for stealing - and many more.... |
- Don't remove car files.ini or business.ini to prevent bug or not appears of pickups
- Delete respectiv .ini files of leaders_directories to allow new leader
Don't miss to set the right plugins (linux or windows) in your server.cfg files (.dll or .so)