A project proposal

Hello everyone!

After taking a break so I could learn Lua, I decided that I should continue with SA:MP, and continue developing for it. I have an idea for a project, however I wish to get your views on it first before I start development.

I present to you a project titled GBDB or Global Ban Database. Now I know what you're thinking, it's probably just something like SAMP-BANS by JaTochNietDan, but it's not, it will be similar to MCBans for Minecraft.

Basically, there will be an API of some sort to handle banning players that will be stored in a local SQLite database local to that server, and every so often it checks for new bans and then sends them to a global database somewhere, it will work primarily by IP, however it will store names as well.

When a user connects to a server and their IP has bans on record from other servers.

WARNING: User 'Bicentric' (IP: localhost) has bans on record!
> 26/05/2013 19:58 - play.samprpserver.net: Use of teleport hacks.
> 07/10/2013 07:13 - multiple rule breaking

Now, I can see many ways that people can abuse this, however I think I can come up with several ways to over come them. Another thing is that bans should be removed from the global database after a certain amount of time, but remain on the local database of that server.

I hope I have explained this properly enough for you guys, thanks! ^_^

I disagree, my reasons being are that people will purely abuse this. I know you'd be able to overcome this issue with temporary global bans, but there's another problem. If someone has a bad reputation on another server, an admin global IP bans them, then they're fucked basically. They can't connect to a server for an X amount of time. This'll be abused too much in my opinion, therefore I'm against this.

It's a really good idea though for SA-MP built in anti-cheat programs produced by Kalcor, i.e.:

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
     return 1;
But otherwise it'd be a bad idea, because of abuse.

This idea has been implemented before many times now, and none worked.

I also disagree.
MCBans for Minecraft has been known to give people a false bad reputation on multiple servers for 1 real, or even false ban.
I don't want that to happen to people within the SA-MP community.
Start off on a new server, start off fresh.

Right, and what if you find yourself in the ban list? Say hi to your new foes

It could work out if it only gives a warning and you give servers their own API key to use it so that not every server is able to use it. There should also be some people looking over it closely and a fairly easy way to get your name off the list even if not proven innocent.

I'd be willing to help you, just send me a message.

This isn't the first time this has been done.

I think I could have explained this a lot better, especially when I said this...

Originally Posted by Bicentric
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it will be similar to MCBans for Minecraft.
Originally Posted by SuperViper
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It could work out if it only gives a warning and you give servers their own API key to use it so that not every server is able to use it. There should also be some people looking over it closely and a fairly easy way to get your name off the list even if not proven innocent.

I'd be willing to help you, just send me a message.
You seem to have my idea, it will only give a warning, and I will be using API keys.

To explain this proposal in more depth I will be composing a document tomorrow for you all to read, so you can have a much clearer idea of what I mean.

This could work if you released an anti cheat FS alongside with it without the source which will have to be checked by a MOD for accuracy and security. This FS would only ban for cheats like health, armour, teleport and such cheats. This FS would then ban them and add the name to the master list. You would have configuration for how long to ban them. For any other reasons like rule breaking or stuff local to that server, the server should simply use their own banning systems. Then you could do things like if you are reported in more than 8 servers or something, you are banned from all servers using this database.

This has been tried a few times before. There are just too many inherent problems.

People being placed on the list unfairly due to poor administration, mistakes or personal grudges is the biggest problem. (Not all servers have mature and sensible admins and even the best admins can be mistaken.).

Reputation. Whoever runs such a project is expecting a massive amount of trust to be shown in them by a multitude of people. Not just server owners but every player that plays on those servers and risks the above.

Slow support times when those players try to appeal their case. Difficulty finding what server team or specific admin set the ban when the player appeals as usually these projects are a one or two man team, if signups are high there can be a massive amount of bans stored.

Ineffective bans, not all servers use multiple ways of keeping a player out. Those that lack some methods may find many of the bans unenforceable, rendering 'membership' of the project almost pointless.

Slow take-up, this would never be global/universally used. It is only as effective as the number of servers that sign up.

Finally, projects being dropped. because of the problems listed above (and more I havn't gone into). These projects tend to end up abandoned leaving all 'members' high and dry with either a set of bans they can no longer tend (can't handle appeals because there is no longer a central db to query for ban reasons). Or clearing a large ban list and allowing cheaters back in that without this system they may have discovered and banned independently.

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