From Civilian Color to Wanted Color

Hello guys, I don't have idea where to start with this.

Let me give you an example:
For an example: A player is an innocent civilian, and after that he robbed a player, he gets 3 wanted level, and his color should change to yellow, what should I do?

Just to keep update the player's color with their wanted level. Thanks in advance, because I don't even know how to script this handy thing.

when the player robs another player, and

I just need to update their status and their color when they become a wanted, not with this. Sorry. :/

Originally Posted by LeeXian99
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I just need to update their status and their color when they become a wanted, not with this. Sorry. :/
well, i just told you how..

As Ada32 said, use those functions in a function you made.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    if(civilian(mode from your GM))
    if(LSPD(mode from your GM))
    return 1;
or you can put this on , OnPlayerConnect , don't forget to define the color on top of GM

He asks when a play robs a player and he gets color yellow, i think he know the code already, but he dont know where to place the code. atleast thats my case

If he has a code that initiates after someone is being robbed, add that code under the last part of that script. Otherwise you can setup a timer that starts at onplayerconnect. Name it for example OnPlayerUpdateEx, run it every 1 sec or so, whatever suits you.

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