[GameMode] Emergency Medical Service - Training Mode

Today I release a gamemode , I had developed almost three weeks ago.
I have not made right for you, but because I had been asked by Gespo , since i not use the release , here is the information :

Gamemode Y_INI entirely developed in Maranello, lines : 1,674 - Version: 1.0 .
  • Rescue system account ( Saving passwords in encrypted form ) .
  • System login / registration + embellishments. (Music, Black Bars , More dialogues Input) .
  • Choice of labor between " Fireman " or " Doctor " .
  • Choice of currency ( men, women ) based on the selected job.
  • Basic commands roleplay ( / do , / me, / ame ) .
  • Commands needed for firemen / physicians. (Fire : / rb - / rrb - / rrball - / d - / radio - Medics / care - / d - / radio).
  • Maps exterior / interior : Fire Department , Medical Department . ( Including lifts & vehicles at both locations).
  • Possibility of reconnare ( / recon ) if you have RCON admin . ( So / rcon login password).
  • Ability to use the elevators present at both his sides.
  • Ability to use all vehicles .
  • Ability to enter / exit the ambitious buildings.
  • Removed from the head barrette life and armor .
  • Created IC roleplay chat .
  • Created OOC chat ( / b).
  • Removed " _" from the names that have it .
Click me to download.

Does it seem like copied?

Plus, fix your English.

Other than, nice job.

I'm not English, I'm Italian.
However I did not understand what you mean by copied, okay thanks anyway

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