Help with VIP

Guys i am using XVIP SYSTEM. But i don't know when a new player registered or player login he/she get VIP Level 3. Can you please help me?
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Plz Help!!

lol becuz you are crazy O_O you are using both | Becuz in xVip is have vip system| and in your Gaemmdoe Filterscript have Lux Admin system is have vip too that the god dam problem

ok thanks i am gonna remove xVip and what about lux admin vip. Lux admin vip has no commands

you need to make Vip command in your Filtersciript or you give my your filterscript i will add commands in the problem will slove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Becuz you Are using both vip system the gamemode will messed up :\

give my your Lux Admin I will Add vips system in it for you you want what command for vips ?

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