Blueberry Bug


Hello, I am using an NGG edit and I have a blueberry bug. Every time you go near it crashes you. How would I solve this problem? Is it possible to change the loaction from 0,0,0 to an another location. I have been seaching on SA-MP to check if any one seems to have this problem, not much results.
Please help me, thanks for in advance.

You need to lower the maximum houses and gates.

How would this help? By the time i reach the max, the same problem will occur?

Thanks...It worked but wouldn't it occur in the future when i have to put the houses up?

Gave you a reputation point.

It would do that because it most likely creates the houses and business at 0, 0, 0 so even though a house isnt 'created' it's still there. If you have to raise the max, set the default spot for houses to go to 0, 0, -1000 instead of 0,0,0 and it should fix it. I would recomend searching through your gamemode and setting all 0, 0, 0 to 0, 0, -1000 because it can cause lagg and even crash people with shitty pcs.

Thanks for the help.

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