TexDraw Problem

Hello Sa-mp Community.
I have a problem with some of my texdraws on my server. For example , the textdraws showing the Speed/Gas/Seatbelt when in a car stop showing after the server has around 8h uptime. If I restart the server everything goes back to normal for some time.

My question to you is : What might cause this problem ? I had this problem on another gamemode and I'm pretty sure it's not a code-related problem. I think some plugins might be to blame here but I can't figure it out.

If anyone has some suggestions please tell them.

I would blame the coding rather than the plugin.

I don't think its the coding because they're all scripted the same way throughout the gamemode. And only some of them disappear...so that's not the problem in my opinion.

Even more, I had the same problem on another gamemode and that was scripted differently....

Something in the script makes it disappear.

Any speculations to what in the script might cause this then ?

Up... Anyone ?

Oh...come on.. no one ?

You're telling me that no one on this forums has any idea of why this is happening ?

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