[FilterScript] Klingon translator

Klingon Translator

  • Makes use of Slice's new translate include for funny purposes
  • Useful for Klingon fans/users who want to use this for servers
  • Contains everyday words fetched from The Klingon University website
Scripts/other things used to make this
  1. translate.inc by Slice
  2. Everyday Klingon Words
How do I get this to work?

Place klingontranslator.amx/klingontranslator.pwn inside your filterscripts folder. And then, make sure you have added klingon.lang.inc in your scriptfiles folder. (And don't forget to add klingontranslator in your server.cfg too! )

Where's the download link?

Klingon Translator | FS Source (Pastebin)
Klingon Translator | FS Source (Solidfiles)

Klingon Translator | Include Source (Pastebin)
Klingon Translator | Include Source (Solidfiles)

Any furthermore usage, master?

pawn Code:

Alright, now you want to create a SendClientMessage text? This is how you do it.

SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, printf__("We are Klingons!", playerid));

How do you send a string using SendClientMessage? This is how you do it.

SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, sprintf(__("Function1 %s gives to Function2 %s.", playerid), function1, function2));

*function1/function2 are all defined, please use your brains if you want to figure this out, this is just a sample I learnt!*

Who should I thank?
  • Slice
  • xeeZ
  • Klingon Language Institute
  • SA-MP Team -Past, Present, and Future-

    I take very little credits for this, FYI.
Wow, any future updates?
  • Add GameTextForPlayer usage
  • Add another easy function (like defines) which is explained by Slice
((If you're thinking this is just a silly edit, please note I was bored off my minds, so I decided to try doing this. WE ARE KLINGONS, AFTER ALL! no jk))

Haha. That's funny!

Anyways, it's still something creative. Good job.

Updated thread. Please note, if you see The Klingon University on top of the script, it's actually Klingon Language Institute, hope you don't misunderstand it, my bad


Nice,good job maybe somebody will put it in their server.

Good to see creative minds out there, nice script man!
I go learn Klingon now

nice work bro

That is something great!

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