Heavy Roleplay Servers

I'm looking for the best top notch roleplay servers on sa-mp anybody know any besides Ls-rp?

Top-notch servers... no. Just, no.

Those exist...?

I'd recommend you San Andreas Cops and Robbers.
Pretty good server. Good management, good gameplay.
I enjoyed there.

LS-RP isn't even 'top notch' or anything near that, I wonder what makes you say that. But anyway, I do not think there's a 'top notch' RP server. All (maybe not all) RP servers are lame, I'd suggest you switch to DM or Freeroam, at least it's worth every second playing.

samp.exe > hosted > filter > mode > rp

Hmm, there is no top-notch anymore, sadly. But you can looks for servers here : http://monitor.sacnr.com/

PS: Go for the servers, you feel like playing. For example, i always join a server that's based in the country side/small towns. It feels a lot more unique that way. Just follow your desire.

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