
Does anyone have any themes for vb 5 that are any good. I've tried finding someone to design one but no one is doing them (for pay). Before anyone asks yes I've ******d. There are like 20 themes out there. All are pretty bad.


No one really has anything on there either.

Correct me if I am wrong...

Wouldn't VBulletin 4.x styles cooperate with the latest version if the "ignore compatibility" mode is checked?

Nope. See clearly. vB 4.x themes won't work on vB 5, because vB has never mentioned over-riding theme support for vB 5 (for vB 4.x themes). So, you can ignore compatibility mode if the theme is compatible with vB 5.x and you're using it for vB's latest version.

Hope this clears.

I've been searching as well, but designers such as Skinbox stopped making themes for vBulletin because every new update they didn't mention what part of CSS changed and it was just a hassle for Skinbox or any other designer.

This one looks pretty nice, in my opinion of course. It depends on what type of forum you're actually running, really. http://www.vbstyles.com/creative-cya...plate-i60.html

Well it's for an arma community i originally started with a joomla and smf combo with bridge but issues came up with it. So i bought the license but i'm probably going to step down to 4.x because of the lack of styles and availability for customization.

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