
what server are using Y_INI

server are over 400+

if not Y_INI so what is better?

What is your question ? you want something faster than Y_INI or you want to learn or what

i want something maybe will faster then Y_INI Or that y_ini is the faster..


Its up to your gamemode , and Y_INI the most easier ini files reading and write you can learn easy
If you looking for faster you can use : SQlite or Mysql but creating database and more hard job.

You've got the exact same question here: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=467694. Don't just make new topics with the same content, read the replies that some of the people gave you. Once you start getting a bigger playerbase, then obviously you'd probably want to convert to a faster file writing program, I'd recommend you start with SQLite, if that's not good enough, and/or makes your server lag or whatever, or you want something even better, then go on MySQL, but it won't be easy learning it, it takes time.

I think you're asking if a server has over 400 players, what is better to use than Y_INI?

My answer would be SQLite or MySQL. Both are good systems with a broad range of techniques to 'mastering' them I suppose; but honestly, it's worth a good shot at learning it and there are plenty of tutorials.

Y_INI is very good to start off and should do fine with 0 - 70 players (so I've found.)

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