26.09.2013, 16:15
Ok, I've tried this with ChatBubble and doesn't seem to work but 3D Text label worked out on my bot but the problem is I can't seem to delete after the spawnkill ends. I will post the code and hopefully someone will show me where do I make my Anti Spawnkill 3D Text in Red.
Top of my script
Ok then OnGameModeIn (OnPlayerSpawn)
Bottom of my script
So where do I put it and just 2/3 inches about the players head. Like many /me commands thing..
Top of my script
forward AntiSpawnkill(playerid); #define PROTECTIONTIME 10
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 10000.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "You can't be killed for 5 second(s) (spawn protection)"); SetTimerEx("AntiSpawnkill",PROTECTIONTIME*1500,0,"d",playerid);
public AntiSpawnkill(playerid) { SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00ff00ff, "Anti Spawn kill protection over."); return 1; }