PHPBB Forum Bot Problems

Hello everyone.

I keep having spam bots register on my forum. Tried using ******'s recaptcha and it didnt work. Now i implemented question and answer thing and it still didn't help. Does anyone have any ideas?

same here :/ please help , i even dont know how to install ****** captcha .. bro pm me ur skype ..., i need ur help a bit @Saurik

These days, bots don't do the spams. REAL HUMANS do the spam, acting as fake bots. As we all know, giving off simple questions enable them to research and answer them. But.. What if some questions are really hard that the humans can't answer? Logically, only the ones who want to actually sign up on the forums knows the question, but how?

Make use of the websites which contains IPs which blocks the spammers. For example, take. . You can either block the IPs you can find in SFS in your forum software, and another way is to give users a link to pass through a page which will give the activation code (same for all), which contains IP blocks (IPs of spammers etc from SFS). Thus, I'm calling it as a security check page. So, if a spammer's IP passes through the security check page, they're blocked from getting the code, since they are spammers. Normal users can pass through the check page with ease and get the code, activate the account and fap around to their own wish. Sometimes normal users are false-ly identified as spammers, so be cautious about what you're doing!

Or.. Download the files in SFS for usage in your phpBB forums, and let's see what happens. If the human spammers have been dramatically reduced, then you can cover up the mess by deleting the other spammers.

Apparently there's a anti-spam plugin provided by SFS, please check it out!

Just my 2 cents.

I was just googling around for you and stumbled accross this post by Phil on the phpBB forum.

And as was said above by Bit, I also recommend StopForumSpam as I used their SMF, IPBoard and MyBB plugins previously, hopefully the phpBB one will be as successful!

What? You can stop the bots easily mate.

Search in your admin control panel for the registering settings, inside there you need to find a way to add your own question into the registeration process. The bots cant bypass it.

Pick a better question, no "type this" or "1+1=?" question as these can be solved. Better ask a question about the topic of your forum, this works best from my experience. Or add an image and ask for a detail shown on it.

Or a question like; What is Infernus/Roadtrain(or any)'s model ID?

I am using this and it helps a lot. Give it a try and see if it works in your case.

A simple question which bots won't understand but humans will (or should atleast)

"If John had 10 apples and sold 4 of them, How many apples did John sell?"
-> 4

Some smart bots read the numbers, e.g "10", "4", and pick up text like "sold", "left"

But I guarantee no bot will understand that question unless a bot developer aimed it at YOUR forum. (Which is very, very unlikely).

If a bot gets in, just change the numbers. Simple. Very sure no bots will get in though, and if your server members have a low IQ, they may get the answer wrong (but that's good, right?)

StopForumSpam as mentioned above twice. It's the best thing you can do. I've used it for over a year now and it's blocked thousands and thousands of bots. Occasionally one or two may still get though but if you're quick you can just delete/ban the user.

From my forum which has only been registered for a few months now and it's not all that popular.

3071 Spammers blocked up until today

I use SMF's version of StopForumSpam and I can safely have registrations without captcha or questions as it can put some normal members off registering, especially if they can't answer the question for whatever reason. I do however make them activate via their email because 99% of the time they register with "" and it's not a real email.

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