Originally Posted by DanishHaq
I think he's saying in the first post when he comes out of the bank, then he can't see the pickup that he can pickup to go back inside the bank.
GetinBank = CreatePickup(1318, 1, 2412.5017, 1123.7909, 10.8203, -1);
GetoutBank = CreatePickup(1318, 1, 2304.6873, -16.3350, 26.7422, -1);
gishebanka = CreatePickup(1274 , 1, 2316.6211, -12.5674, 26.7422, -1);
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == GetinBank)
SetPlayerPos(playerid,2306.8347,-16.0343, 26.7496);
return 0;
if(pickupid == GetoutBank)
SetPlayerPos(playerid,2416.5505,1123.3403, 10.8203);
return 0;
if(pickupid == gishebanka)
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Las Venturas Bank ~n~ ~w~Type ~g~/bank ~w~to open the menu", 3000, 4);
return 0;
return 1;
I'm giving an example with GameTextForPlayer couse i'm using the same Pickup funcions except the one is for entering in the bank and the other is for giving information how to open the bank menu...
All I've wanted to say is when I use the pickup otside the bank to get in is disappeared when I leave the bank and I can't go back inside .
I really hope that now you can understand me.