22.09.2013, 19:42
Last edited by amirab; 19/12/2013 at 11:28 AM.
Reason: download link has a mistake
Hi all
i have a MP3 Player with textdraw
i work on it for 5hour it to much maybe all of you can make it in 10min
But it's my first FS
there are 6 song (url) in it
you can change it and have fun

Please Don't Change Credits
Creator: Amirab (ME)
Helper: Ali Gerami (aliassassin123456)

you shoul use /mp3help to server give you some help
use /mp3 to server show you MP3 Player
if you click on cross you hide MP3 Player
If you click on play first music will start
If you click on square your music will stop
If you click on next it will play the next music
If you click on preveiw it will play the previous music
And if you use /mp3 again you canceled the selection
Download link:
Sorry For My Bad English
i have a MP3 Player with textdraw
i work on it for 5hour it to much maybe all of you can make it in 10min

there are 6 song (url) in it
you can change it and have fun

Please Don't Change Credits
Creator: Amirab (ME)
Helper: Ali Gerami (aliassassin123456)

you shoul use /mp3help to server give you some help
use /mp3 to server show you MP3 Player
if you click on cross you hide MP3 Player
If you click on play first music will start
If you click on square your music will stop
If you click on next it will play the next music
If you click on preveiw it will play the previous music
And if you use /mp3 again you canceled the selection
Download link:
Sorry For My Bad English