19.09.2013, 18:29
Last edited by DanishHaq; 01/03/2015 at 12:16 AM.
Ultimate Wargrounds - Team Deathmatch
Ultimate Wargrounds - Team Deathmatch
I am releasing this GameMode today because I no longer have a SA-MP host and I have nothing to do with the server. Do not remove any of the credits as I worked hard on this, and it'd be a disaster if some noob comes along and removes my credits. This is my first release too. You can edit it / redistribute it / use it for your own server, but keep the credits.
What you will need:
The YSI library: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=321092.
sscanf2: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=120356.
MySQL: Provided in the .rar
Streamer: Provided in the .rar
DanishHaq (GameMode).
BlueG (MySQL).
****** (sscanf).
****** (YSI).
Incognito (Streamer).
V1.0 (19/09/2013): http://www.solidfiles.com/d/ab6a558afb/
Player Commands:
Admin Commands:
Once you have downloaded the GameMode, you're going to want to upload the dump.sql file onto the phpmyadmin, you can call your database any name that you want. Once you've imported the .sql file, then you will need to go into the GameMode, CTRL + F and try and find "root". This will get you nearer enough to the MySQL database information that is used to connect to the database. You're going to want to set it up to something like this:
An example of what it'll look like is like this:
Making yourself an admin:
Once you've registered on the server, quit the game, go to phpmyadmin and then open up the "accounts" table. Where you find your name, you can easily edit the Admin level and then save it. (change it to 7 for the Community Owner admin level). The next time you log into the game, you'll be the "Community Owner" admin level.
Changing the admin passwords:
To change the /alogin passwords, you will need to go into phpmyadmin and then open the "passwords" table. From here, it's pretty simple, just change where it says "ChangeMeX" to your own admin password for that admin level.
I am releasing this GameMode today because I no longer have a SA-MP host and I have nothing to do with the server. Do not remove any of the credits as I worked hard on this, and it'd be a disaster if some noob comes along and removes my credits. This is my first release too. You can edit it / redistribute it / use it for your own server, but keep the credits.
What you will need:
The YSI library: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=321092.
sscanf2: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=120356.
MySQL: Provided in the .rar
Streamer: Provided in the .rar
DanishHaq (GameMode).
BlueG (MySQL).
****** (sscanf).
****** (YSI).
Incognito (Streamer).
V1.0 (19/09/2013): http://www.solidfiles.com/d/ab6a558afb/
Player Commands:
/help - View a list of all the commands /login - Log in to get back your stats /register - Register an account on the server /changepass - Change your password /pm - Send a private message to another player /mystats - View your stats /tc - Team chat with all the members of your class /car - Spawn a car for yourself (will delete when you log out or spawn another with /car) /airsf - Teleport to the San Fierro Airport /chilliad - Teleport to Mount Chilliad /bf - Teleport to the battlefield /8track - Teleport to the 8track arena /sf - Teleport to San Fierro /dd - Teleport to the destruction derby /dt - Teleport to the dirt track /ks - Teleport to the kick start track /vs - Teleport to the Vice Stadium /home - Respawn back to your class' spawn position /report - Request assistance from an admin or report someone for rule-breaking /pay - Send your money off to someone else /admins - View a list of all the online admins /heal - Heal yourself /kill - Kill yourself /shop - Load up the shop to buy weapons, or upgrade your vehicle with NOS / hydraulics |
/alogin - Login to the administration panel, you can set the passwords on phpmyadmin under the passwords table, you can't use any admin commands unless you have done /alogin /alogout - Same as above but logout from the panel /asay - Make an announcement to the server in turquoise text on the chat /a - Talk on the admin chat /kick - Kick another player /setadminlevel - Set someone else's admin level /getstats - Show the stats of another player /tempban - Temp ban someone who is online /offtempban - Temp ban someone who is offline /offpermban - Perm ban someone who is offline /permban - Perm ban someone who is online /unban - Unban a player who's banned /veh - Spawn a vehicle, not like /car because you can spawn an unlimited amount here /go - Teleport to another player /get - Teleport another player to yourself /akill - Admin kill a player * DanishHaq slaps - Slap a player around a bit with a large trout. /time - Change the time on the game /weather - Change the weather on the game /setname - Change somebody's name on the server /aduty - Begin on your admin duties, you will get an unlimited amount of health and armour /warn - Warn another player, at 3 warns they'll receive a kick /givegun - Speaks for itself /mute - Mute a player for an amount of minutes /unmute - Unmute a player who is muted /setskin - Set your skin /myskin - Use your /setskin'd skin /rveh - Respawn a specific vehicle /rac - Respawn all the vehicles /givemoney - Give someone an amount of money /setmoney - Set someone's money ot a specific value /spec - Begin watching another player /specoff - Stop watching another player |
- Anti-spawn kill system, you can't get attacked / killed for 3 seconds and you can't use weapons in that time.
- Kill-cam, a bit like Call of Duty, once you die, you get a camera on the player who killed you for 5 seconds and then you'll spawn.
- Shop system, a cool shop system where you can buy nearly every sort of weapon with the money that you've earned in the game.
- A PayDay system to make sure that everyone has a bit of money most of the time.
- A system where you can play without being registered but you can't play without being logged in WHILST registered.
- Auto-announcements system.
- 69 cars ready-added to the server.
- A bunch of nice teleport commands.
- Easy to edit commands.
- A class section dedicated to admins.
- Team vehicles.
- A killstreak system - not tested.
- On-screen speedometer.
- OnPlayerTakeDamage GameText's.
- When you click on a player on TAB and you're an admin, you can see their stats.
Once you have downloaded the GameMode, you're going to want to upload the dump.sql file onto the phpmyadmin, you can call your database any name that you want. Once you've imported the .sql file, then you will need to go into the GameMode, CTRL + F and try and find "root". This will get you nearer enough to the MySQL database information that is used to connect to the database. You're going to want to set it up to something like this:
pawn Code:
#define mysql_host "YOUR HOST HERE"
#define mysql_database "YOUR DATABASE NAME HERE"
pawn Code:
#define mysql_host "localhost"
#define mysql_user "root"
#define mysql_password ""
#define mysql_database "ultimatewargrounds"
Once you've registered on the server, quit the game, go to phpmyadmin and then open up the "accounts" table. Where you find your name, you can easily edit the Admin level and then save it. (change it to 7 for the Community Owner admin level). The next time you log into the game, you'll be the "Community Owner" admin level.
Changing the admin passwords:
To change the /alogin passwords, you will need to go into phpmyadmin and then open the "passwords" table. From here, it's pretty simple, just change where it says "ChangeMeX" to your own admin password for that admin level.