little help

Hello, I just want to know the IP by which home host server are working.
And is it possible to have games like pool, video games, etc in our server..?

If I understood right your question, than the "home hosts" are working by your own IP with a portwarded port.
It means that if you want to run your own serve, than you gotta portward a port, like 7777, or 7778 and later on run the server file. Than go to your SAMP browser, and add this: YouIP:7777/7778, than it shall work. Good luck.

To your second question, I think it's possible, but needs some effort scripting it.

hmm I know about it.. but there is one more IP which is same for every PC,

Well, I'm not that good at scripting either so can't help you on the first question. But on the second question, it is perfectly possible to add all of those things. But as CesarLT stated above it does require some effort in scripting. Hell you can even have Dice! I would first learn the basics of PAWN Language and learning how to script. Try ******* there are usually a lot of videos there.

Or just look under server support for helpful tips on scripting. There is TONS of advice here! I'm still learning how to script myself so it's a hard and long process. But once you get the hang of a few things you will be on your way. Good luck! I hope I was helpful.

Originally Posted by jamesmercer1947
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hmm I know about it.. but there is one more IP which is same for every PC,
You're talking about the loopback address? ( Well it's same for every PC, but others can't connect to your server if you'll use it, you can use it to test your script/maps etc etc.

Yes, this one.. thanks

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