[Tool/Web/Other] SQLChat - Live MySQL server feed & chat box

Now i installed the xampp and i'm waiting your fix

Originally Posted by nGen.SoNNy
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Now i installed the xampp and i'm waiting your fix
Fixed! New version has been uploaded.

- Make sure you have the MySQL table built!!! (run the filterscript)
- Make sure you have the correct MySQL details in the filterscript (sqlchat.pwn) AND in the database config file (database.php)

Working preview is here:

I don't know why but in the Chrome's console i get the same error:
Message i type in the ChatBox i can see it on server but not on the website...

PHP код:
Uncaught TypeErrorCannot read property 'documentElement' of null index.php:103
Uncaught TypeError
Cannot read property 'documentElement' of null index.php:103 

But any one can send message from anyones name. Like a hacker can chat with the owners name. There should be a register system too. I think so.

You can do what you want... i want to use it on my UCP and just the admins will be able to send message from the chat and rest of users will be able just to see what others type.

Take a look here: http://sa-sf.comuv.com/index.php [ i can't see any errors in the Chrome's Console - Connection to database it's ok ]

You must be kidding me man , you really did a great job , kinda cannot imagine about this thing

Originally Posted by nGen.SoNNy
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You can do what you want... i want to use it on my UCP and just the admins will be able to send message from the chat and rest of users will be able just to see what others type.

Take a look here: http://sa-sf.comuv.com/index.php [ i can't see any errors in the Chrome's Console - Connection to database it's ok ]
I think I found the issue. Your server (server.php) is returning the following response:

    SQL Chat - Live server chat using MySQL
    Created by Sinner / 10-09-2013
    You are free to modify these pages any way you want 
    but please leave the credits intact.

--><?xml version="1.0"?><chatbox><row><user>Sinner</user><message>Test test</message><timestamp>01:35</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>lel</user><message>test</message><timestamp>11:05</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>test ?</message><timestamp>08:56</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>gonna test it now</message><timestamp>08:54</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>server test</message><timestamp>08:53</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>test</message><timestamp>08:53</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>seems to be ok this message</message><timestamp>08:51</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>test</message><timestamp>08:51</timestamp><type>1</type></row></chatbox>
<!-- Hosting24 Analytics Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://stats.hosting24.com/count.php"></script>
<!-- End Of Analytics Code -->
This is not the format that the client (index.php) is expecting. You must edit server.php so that it ONLY returns the xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?><chatbox><row><user>Sinner</user><message>Test test</message><timestamp>01:35</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>lel</user><message>test</message><timestamp>11:05</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>test ?</message><timestamp>08:56</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>gonna test it now</message><timestamp>08:54</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>server test</message><timestamp>08:53</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>test</message><timestamp>08:53</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>seems to be ok this message</message><timestamp>08:51</timestamp><type>1</type></row><row><user>TestServer</user><message>test</message><timestamp>08:51</timestamp><type>1</type></row></chatbox>

Epic! Nice work.

I found the problem. But i have some problems with the message send by the website to server. When i send it to the server, the message get showed by 19-20 times ...

RESULT: http://rse-ro.com/?page=chat

When i run the website on my computer everything it's ok but when i use it on my webhost... http://rse-ro.com/screen/sa-mp-016.png

Originally Posted by nGen.SoNNy
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I found the problem. But i have some problems with the message send by the website to server. When i send it to the server, the message get showed by 19-20 times ...

RESULT: http://rse-ro.com/?page=chat

When i run the website on my computer everything it's ok but when i use it on my webhost... http://rse-ro.com/screen/sa-mp-016.png
Message me so we can use TeamViewer.

any one have the correct download link?

Dead link....

Why not use the socket plug-in?

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