08.09.2013, 14:24
Последний раз редактировалось thift; 24.03.2014 в 23:32.
// Debug messages
#define TXT_DebugInfo "Debug information"
#define TXT_HousesFixed "Houses that have been fixed: %i"
#define TXT_LastVehicleID "Last vehicle ID: %i"
#define TXT_LastObjectID "Last object ID: %i"
#define TXT_TotalHouses "Loaded %i houses"
#define TXT_TotalBusiness "Loaded %i businesses"
#define TXT_TotalSpeedCameras "Loaded %i speed-camera's"
// Define the message that's sent to all players when a player joins the server
#define TXT_PlayerJoinedServer "{0000FF}Player '{FFFF00}%s{0000FF}' (id: {FFFF00}%i) {00FF00}conectou"
#define TXT_PlayerLeftServer "{0000FF}Player '{FFFF00}%s{0000FF}' (id: {FFFF00}%i) {FF0000}saiu do serve"
// Banned texts (also kick messages)
#define TXT_StillBanned "{FF0000}voce esta banido" // Define the text that the player sees when he's still banned when trying to login
#define TXT_BannedDuration "{FF0000}tempo ban: Dias: %i, Horas: %i, Minutos: %i, Segundos: %i" // Define the remaining ban-time text
#define TXT_KickSpeedHack "{FF0000}voce foi kickado por usar speed-hack /or air braking"
#define TXT_KickJetPackHack "{FF0000}voce foi kickado usando jetpack-hack"
#define TXT_KickHealthHack "{FF0000}voce foi kickado |motivo|:health-hack"
// Dialog buttons
#define TXT_DialogButtonCancel "Cancelar" // Define the text on the "Cancel"-button for dialogs
#define TXT_DialogButtonBuy "comprar" // Define the text on the "Buy"-button for dialogs
#define TXT_DialogButtonSpawn "Spawn"
#define TXT_DialogButtonSelect "Selecionar"
#define TXT_DialogButtonYes "Ysim"
#define TXT_DialogButtonNo "Nao"
// Dialog entries
#define TXT_DialogEntryNext "proximo..."
// The register dialog
#define TXT_DialogRegisterTitle "bem vindo" // Define the title-message on top of the register-dialog
#define TXT_DialogRegisterMsg "Por favor, registre inserindo sua senha:" // Define the actual message in the register-dialog
#define TXT_DialogRegisterButton1 "Registrar" // Define the text on the "register" button for the register-dialog
#define TXT_AccountRegistered "{00FF00}Voce registrou com sucesso a sua conta"
#define TXT_RegisterEnterValidPassword "Por favor insira uma senha valida para registar:"
#define TXT_PlayerMustRegister "{FF0000}Voce deve se registrar para poder jogar, voce foi expulso!"
// The login dialog
#define TXT_DialogLoginTitle "bem vindo de volta" // Define the title-message on top of the login-dialog
#define TXT_DialogLoginMsg "Por favor faca o login digitando sua senha:" // Define the actual message in the login-dialog
#define TXT_DialogLoginButton1 "Login" // Define the text on the "login" button for the login-dialog
#define TXT_LoggedIn "{00FF00}Voce logou bem-vindo de volta"
#define TXT_WrongPassword "{FF0000}Voce digitou a senha errada voce foi kickado"
#define TXT_LoginEnterValidPassword "Por favor faзa o login digitando sua senha:"
#define TXT_PlayerMustLogin "{FF0000}Voce precisa fazer o login para jogar voce foi kickado!"
#define TXT_FailedLoginProperly "{FF0000}Voce nao conseguiu acessar corretamente voce esta kickado"
// The license dialog
#define TXT_DialogLicenseTitle "Selecione licenca:" // Define the title-message on top of the licenses-dialog
#define TXT_DialogLicenseList "Licenca de caminhoneiro ($50.000, 100 pontos)\r\nLicenca de motorista de onibus ($25.000, 50 pontos)" // Define the licenses and their price
#define TXT_PickupText "comprar licensa" // Defines the text that's shown above the pickup for buying licenses
#define TXT_TruckerLicenseBought "{00FF00}Voce adquiriu sua licenca de caminhoneiro"
#define TXT_TruckerLicenseNotEnoughMoney "{FF0000}Voce need $50.000 and 100 score-points to buy a trucker's license"
#define TXT_TruckerLicenseOwned "{FF0000}Voce ja comprou a licenca"
#define TXT_TruckerLicenseWrongClass "{FF0000}Voce deve ser um caminhoneiro para comprar uma licenca de caminhoneiro"
#define TXT_BusLicenseBought "{00FF00}Voce adquiriu a carteira de motorista de onibus"
#define TXT_BusLicenseNotEnoughMoney "{FF0000}Voce precisa $25.000 e 50 pontos para comprar uma carteira de motorista de onibus"
#define TXT_BusLicenseOwned "{FF0000}Voce ja comprou a licenca"
#define TXT_BusLicenseWrongClass "{FF0000}Voce deve ser um motorista de onibus para comprar uma carteira de motorista de onibus"
// Dialog related for /car, /plane, ...
#define TXT_DialogCarTitle "Escolha um carro (page %i):"
#define TXT_DialogPlaneTitle "Escolha um plano (page %i):"
#define TXT_DialogTrailerTitle "Escolha um trailer (page %i):"
#define TXT_PlayerSpawnedVehicle "{00FF00}%s criou um carro"
#define TXT_ChangedWeather "{00FF00}Voce mudou o tempo")
#define TXT_DialogCommandTitle "Lista de comandos (page %i):"
// Trucker related
#define TXT_PlayerCompletedTruckJob "{FFFFFF}caminhoneiro {FF00FF}%s{FFFFFF} transportou com sucesso {0000FF}%s{FFFFFF}"
#define TXT_PlayerCompletedTruckJobInfo "de {00FF00}%s{FFFFFF} para {00FF00}%s{FFFFFF}"
#define TXT_TruckerBonusOverloaded "{00FF00}Voce tambem ganhou um bonus para ser sobrecarregado: $%i"
#define TXT_TruckerBonusMafiaLoad "{00FF00}Voce tambem ganhou um bonus para a entrega de uma mafia carga: $%i"
#define TXT_TruckerBonusOwnVehicle "{00FF00}Voce tambem ganhou um bonus por usar proprio caminhao: $%i"
#define TXT_TruckerMustEnterVehicle "{FF0000}Voce deve entrar no veiculo ou repor o trailer"
#define TXT_TruckerOverloaded "{FF0000}Voce tem sido sobrecarregado! Evite a policia!"
#define TXT_TruckerMafiaInterested "~r~A mafia esta interessado na carga~w~"
#define TXT_TruckerDialogSelectLoad "Selecione carga:"
#define TXT_TruckerDialogSelectStartLoc "Selecione ponto de carregamento:"
#define TXT_TruckerDialogSelectEndLoc "Selecione ponto de descarga:"
#define TXT_NeedVehicleToProceed "{FF0000}Voce precisa estar no veiculo"
#define TXT_NeedTrailerToProceed "{FF0000}Voce precisa ter reboque para continuar"
#define TXT_NeedOnFootToProceed "{FF0000}Voce precisa estar a pe para prosseguir"
// Busdriver related
#define TXT_PlayerCompletedBusLine "{FFFFFF}motorista de onibus {FF00FF}%s{FFFFFF} concluiu com sucesso a linha de onibus {0000FF}%i{FFFFFF}"
#define TXT_BusDriverMissionPassed "missao terminou" // Define the game-text that shows when the player passed a busdriver mission
#define TXT_BusDriverJobInfo "~w~linha ~y~%i~w~ (~g~%s~w~): ~b~%i~w~ no onibus"
#define TXT_BusDriverBusStopInfo "~w~linha ~y~%i~w~ (~g~%s~w~): ~b~%i~w~ no onibus, ~b~%i~w~ na parada"
#define TXT_BusDriverReward "~g~Voce ganhou $%i~w~"
#define TXT_BusDriverMustEnterBus "{FF0000}Voce deve entrar onibus"
#define TXT_SelectBusRoute "Selecione rota de onibus:"
#define TXT_BusdriverAlreadyDoingJob "{FF0000}Voce ja este fazendo um trabalho"
// Mafia related
#define TXT_PlayerCompletedMafiaJob "{FFFFFF}Mafia {FF00FF}%s{FFFFFF} transportou com sucesso {0000FF}%s{FFFFFF}"
#define TXT_PlayerCompletedMafiaJobInfo "de {00FF00}%s{FFFFFF} para {00FF00}%s{FFFFFF}"
#define TXT_MafiaMustEnterVehicle "{FF0000}Voce deve entrar veiculo"
#define TXT_MafiaDeliverStolenLoad "~w~trazer a ~b~carga roubada~w~ a ~r~base da mafia~w~"
#define TXT_MafiaDeliveredStolenLoad "{00FF00}Voce transportou uma carga roubada, Voce ganhou $5000"
// Police related
#define TXT_PoliceWarnPlayer "~r~Esta e a policia! Pare o veiculo!~w~"
#define TXT_PoliceFinedPlayerReward "{00FF00}Voce multou %s e ganhou $%i"
#define TXT_PlayerGotFinedByPolice "{FF0000}Voce ja foi pego por %s e pagou uma multa de $%i"
#define TXT_PoliceFinedPlayer "{00FF00}policia %s multou %s"
#define TXT_PoliceJailedPlayerReward "{00FF00}Voce prendeu %s e ganhou $%i"
#define TXT_PlayerGotJailedByPolice "{FF0000}Voce foi preso pelo policial %s por %i minutos"
#define TXT_PoliceJailedPlayer "{00FF00}policial %s prendeu %s por %i minutos"
// Pilot related
#define TXT_PlayerCompletedPilotJob "{FFFFFF}Piloto {FF00FF}%s{FFFFFF} transportou com sucesso {0000FF}%s{FFFFFF}"
#define TXT_PlayerCompletedPilotJobInfo "de {00FF00}%s{FFFFFF} para {00FF00}%s{FFFFFF}"
// Courier related
#define TXT_CourierMustEnterVehicle "{FF0000}Voce deve entrar veiculo"
#define TXT_PlayerCompletedCourierJob "{FFFFFF}correio {FF00FF}%s{FFFFFF} Entregou com sucesso {0000FF}%i{FFFFFF} pacotes"
#define TXT_PackageDeliveredGameText "pacote entregue"
#define TXT_PackageDeliveredMessage "{00FF00}pacote entregue"
// Roadworker related
#define TXT_RepairSpeedcamera "~w~reparar o ~r~indicado~w~ radar"
#define TXT_TowBrokenVehicle "~w~rebocar o ~r~veiculo quebrado~w~ perto ~b~%s~w~ para o triturador"
#define TXT_DeliverBrokenVehicle "~w~rebocar o veiculo quebrado perto ~b~%s~w~ ao ~r~triturador~w~"
#define TXT_RoadworkerMustEnterVehicle "{FF0000}Voce deve entrar veiculo e pegar um trailer"
#define TXT_RoadworkerMissionPassed "missao terminou" // Define the game-text that shows when the player passed a roadworker mission
// Job related, for all classes
#define TXT_RewardJob "{00FF00}Voce terminou a missao e ganhou $%i"
#define TXT_FailedMission "~w~Voce ~r~falhou~w~ a Missao. Voce perdeu ~y~$1000~w~ para cobrir as despesas." // Define game-text when player fails a mission
// Class related
#define TXT_ClassTrucker "caminhoneiro" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this one = trucker)
#define TXT_ClassBusDriver "motorista de onibus" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this one = bus-driver)
#define TXT_ClassPilot "Piloto" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this one = pilot)
#define TXT_ClassPolice "Policia" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this one = police)
#define TXT_ClassMafia "Mafia" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this one = mafia)
#define TXT_ClassCourier "correio" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this one = courier)
#define TXT_ClassAssistance "mecanico" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this one = assistance)
#define TXT_ClassRoadWorker "operario" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this one = roadworker)
// No-job texts for all classes
#define Trucker_NoJobText "Sem emprego. use \"~y~/trabalhar~w~\" para iniciar um trabalho"
#define BusDriver_NoJobText "Sem emprego. use \"~y~/trabalhar~w~\" para iniciar um trabalho"
#define Pilot_NoJobText "Sem emprego. use \"~y~/trabalhar~w~\" para iniciar um trabalho"
#define Police_NoJobText "~r~'RMB'~w~ multa um jogador (a pe), ~r~'LCTRL'~w~ avisa o jogador (no carro)"
#define Mafia_NoJobText "Hijack a ~r~marked~w~ vehicle or enter \"~y~/work~w~\" to start a job"
#define Courier_NoJobText "Sem emprego. use \"~y~/trabalhar~w~\" para iniciar um trabalho"
#define Assistance_NoJobText "~r~'RMB'~w~ reparar/reabastece um veнculo (a pe), ~r~'LCTRL'~w~ correcoes proprio veiculo"
#define RoadWorker_NoJobText "Sem emprego. use \"~y~/trabalhar~w~\" para iniciar um trabalho"
// Command related
#define TXT_PlayerRescued "{0000FF}Voce foi resgatado. $200 foi deduzido."
// Fuel related
#define TXT_Refuelling "~g~Reabastecimento..." // Define the game-text that shows when Voce're refuelling Vocer vehicle
#define TXT_PickupRefuel "Buzinar\npara abastecer seu veiculo"
#define TXT_RefuelledVehicle "{00FF00}Voce reabasteceu seu veiculo por $%i"
#define TXT_CannotRefuelVehicle "{FF0000}Voce nao tem dinheiro o suficiente para abastecer veiculo"
// Gametexts for loading/unloading
#define TXT_LoadingGoods "~r~carregando %s... ~w~Espere por favor"
#define TXT_UnloadingGoods "~r~descarregamento %s... ~w~Espere por favor"
#define TXT_TruckerLoadingGoods "~r~Carregando caminhao... ~w~Espere por favor"
#define TXT_TruckerUnloadingGoods "~r~descarregando caminhao... ~w~Espere por favor"
#define TXT_TransportingFromToPickup "~w~transportar ~b~%s~w~ de ~r~%s~w~ para %s"
#define TXT_TransportingFromToDeliver "~w~transportar ~b~%s~w~ de %s para ~r~%s~w~"
#define TXT_HaulingCargoFromToPickup "~w~reboque ~b~%s~w~ de ~r~%s~w~ para %s"
#define TXT_HaulingCargoFromToDeliver "~w~reboque ~b~%s~w~ de %s para ~r~%s~w~"
#define TXT_PickupCargoAt "{00FF00}pickup %s em %s"
#define TXT_DeliverCargoTo "{00FF00}entregar o %s para %s"
// Cardealer related
#define TXT_PickupCarDealer "Use \"/rentcar\"\nto rent a car"
#define TXT_BuyRentCarEmptyList "{FF0000}This is an empty list, the administrator may have disabled all vehicles of this class"
#define TXT_RentBike "Rent a bike:"
#define TXT_RentBoat "Rent a boat:"
#define TXT_RentConvertible "Rent a convertible:"
#define TXT_RentHelicopter "Rent a helicopter:"
#define TXT_RentIndustrial "Rent an industrail vehicle:"
#define TXT_RentLowRider "Rent a low-rider:"
#define TXT_RentOffRoad "Rent an off-road vehicle:"
#define TXT_RentPlane "Rent a plane:"
#define TXT_RentPublicService "Rent a public service vehicle:"
#define TXT_RentRC "Rent a RC vehicle:"
#define TXT_RentSaloon "Rent a saloon vehicle:"
#define TXT_RentSport "Rent a sport vehicle:"
#define TXT_RentStationWagon "Rent a station wagon:"
#define TXT_RentTrailer "Rent a trailer:"
#define TXT_RentUnique "Rent a unique vehicle:"
#define TXT_AlreadyRentedVehicle "{FF0000}Voce already had a rented vehicle, but it has been replaced by the new one"
#define TXT_PlayerRentsVehicle "{00FF00}Voce have rented a {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} for ${FFFF00}%i{00FF00}"
#define TXT_RentingTooExpensive "{FF0000}Voce can't afford to rent this vehicle"
#define TXT_BuyBike "Buy a bike:"
#define TXT_BuyBoat "Buy a boat:"
#define TXT_BuyConvertible "Buy a convertible:"
#define TXT_BuyHelicopter "Buy a helicopter:"
#define TXT_BuyIndustrial "Buy an industrail vehicle:"
#define TXT_BuyLowRider "Buy a low-rider:"
#define TXT_BuyOffRoad "Buy an off-road vehicle:"
#define TXT_BuyPlane "Buy a plane:"
#define TXT_BuyPublicService "Buy a public service vehicle:"
#define TXT_BuyRC "Buy a RC vehicle:"
#define TXT_BuySaloon "Buy a saloon vehicle:"
#define TXT_BuySport "Buy a sport vehicle:"
#define TXT_BuyStationWagon "Buy a station wagon:"
#define TXT_BuyTrailer "Buy a trailer:"
#define TXT_BuyUnique "Buy a unique vehicle:"
// Jail related
#define TXT_JailTimer "~w~Jailed: ~r~%i~w~"
// Speedometer related
#define TXT_SpeedometerSpeed "~w~Speed: ~b~%i~w~ kph"
#define TXT_SpeedometerFuel "~w~Fuel: %s"
#define TXT_SpeedometerCannotUseVehicle "{FF0000}Voce cannot use this vehicle, it's owned by \"{FFFF00}%s{FF0000}\""
#define TXT_SpeedometerClampedVehicle "{FF0000}This vehicle is clamped, Voce cannot use it"
#define TXT_SpeedometerClampedVehicle2 "{FF0000}Voce can unclamp it by using {FFFF00}/unclamp"
#define TXT_PlayerCaughtSpeeding "{FF0000}Voce've been caught by a speedtrap, slow down!"
// Toll-gate related
#define TXT_PlayerPaysToll "Voce paid $%i for the toll"
// Convoy related
#define TXT_PlayerStartsConvoy "Player {00FF00}%s{FFFFFF} wants to start a {00FF00}convoy{FFFFFF}, join him by entering \"/convoy\""
#define TXT_PlayerJoinedConvoy "Player {00FF00}%s{FFFFFF} has joined the convoy"
#define TXT_VoceJoinedConvoy "{00FF00}Voce have joined the convoy"
#define TXT_WaitingLeaderJob "Waiting for the leader to start a job"
#define TXT_WaitingMembersToLoadCargo "Waiting for all members to load their cargo"
#define TXT_WaitingMembersToUnLoadCargo "Waiting for all members to unload their cargo"
#define TXT_ConvoyFull "{FF0000}This convoy is already full"
#define TXT_ConvoyEnRoute "This convoy is en-route to it's destination, Voce cannot join it"
#define TXT_LeaderCancelledConvoy "{FF0000}The leader cancelled the convoy"
#define TXT_MeetOtherConvoyMembers "{00FF00}Meet the other members of the convoy at the loading point"
#define TXT_ConvoyDistanceForLeader "{00FF00}Everybody needs to stay within 500m of Voce"
#define TXT_ConvoyDistanceForMember "{00FF00}Stay within 500m of the leader of the convoy"
#define TXT_MemberNeedsCargoTrailer "Voce need a cargo trailer"
#define TXT_MemberNeedsOreTrailer "Voce need an ore trailer"
#define TXT_MemberNeedsFluidsTrailer "Voce need a fluids trailer"
#define TXT_AllMembersSameTrailer "{00FF00}All members have the same trailer, convoy is ready to go"
#define TXT_AllMembersNotSameTrailer "{FF0000}Not all members have the same trailer, convoy cannot start yet"
#define TXT_AllMembersLoadedCargo "{00FF00}All members have loaded their cargo, convoy is ready to proceed to the unloading-point"
#define TXT_MemberKickedByDistance "{FF0000}Voce didn't stay close to the leader, Voce've been kicked from the convoy"
#define TXT_MemberFellBehind "Player {00FF00}%s{FFFFFF} fell behind and is kicked from the convoy"
#define TXT_FinishedConvoy "{00FF00}Voce finished the convoy and earned $%i"
#define TXT_LeaderInfoBar "Members: ~g~%i~w~, Furthest member: ~g~%s~w~, Distance: ~r~%3.1f~w~"
#define TXT_MemberInfoBar "Leader: ~r~%s~w~, distance: ~r~%3.1f~w~, members: ~r~%i~w~"
#define TXT_CannotJoinJobStarted "{FF0000}Voce already started a job, Voce cannot create or join a convoy"
#define TXT_ConvoyAllreadyJoined "{FF0000}Voce already joined a convoy"
#define TXT_ConvoyNeedsTruckerClass "{FF0000}Voce need to be a trucker to create or join a convoy"
// Timed messages
#define TXT_TimedRefuel "{808080}Voce want to refuel Vocer vehicle? Park on a refuel-pickup and honk the horn"
#define TXT_TimedConvoy "{808080}Voce want to start a convoy? Enter \"/convoy\" to start or join one"
#define TXT_TimedGohome "{808080}Voce want to teleport to a house Voce own? Use \"/gohome\" to go home"
#define TXT_TimedRentCar "{808080}Voce want to rent a vehicle? Go visit Wang Cars in Doherty, San Fierro"
#define TXT_TimedLicense "{808080}Voce're tired of random trucker/busdriver missions? Visit the driving school in Doherty and buy a license"
#define TXT_TimedSpeedTraps "{808080}Beware of speedtraps (60kph in the city, 90kph on roads, 120kph on highways)"
#define TXT_TimedGoBusiness "{808080}Voce want to teleport to a business Voce own? Use \"/gobus\" to go to Vocer business"
// House-related
#define TXT_DefaultHouseName "%s's house"
#define TXT_PlayerBoughtHouse "{33FF33}Voce've bought the house for ${FFCC33}%i"
#define TXT_PlayerOwnsMaxHouses "{FF0000}Voce already own the maximum amount of allowed houses per player"
#define TXT_ExitHouseReloadEnv "Waiting for the environment to load"
#define TXT_PickupHouseOwned "%s\nOwned by: %s\nHouse-level: %i\n/enter"
#define TXT_PickupHouseForSale "House available for\n$%i\nMax-level: %i\n/buyhouse"
#define TXT_DialogOldHouseName "Old house-name: %s"
#define TXT_DialogEnterNewHouseName "Give a new name to Vocer house"
#define TXT_DialogSelectHouseUpgrade "Select upgrade:"
#define TXT_HouseReachedMaxLevel "{FF0000}Vocer house has reached the maximum level, Voce cannot upgrade it further"
#define TXT_DialogBuyCarSelectClass "Select vehicle class:"
#define TXT_HouseHasMaxVehicles "{FF0000}This house has the maximum amount of house-cars already"
#define TXT_AlreadyBoughtRecentVehicle "{FF0000}Voce already bought a vehicle recently, use \"/getcar\" and \"/park\" to park it before buying a new one"
#define TXT_EmptyCarSlot "%s{FFFFFF}Empty car-slot{FFFFFF}\n"
#define TXT_SelectVehicleToSell "Select vehicle to sell:"
#define TXT_SelectVehicleToGet "Select vehicle to port to Vocer location:"
#define TXT_NoHouseVehicles "{FF0000}This house has no vehicles assigned to it"
#define TXT_SureSellHouse "Are Voce sure Voce want to sell Vocer house for $%i?"
#define TXT_AreVoceSure "Are Voce sure?"
#define TXT_CannotSellHouseWithCars "{FF0000}Voce can't sell a house which still has house-cars assigned to it"
#define TXT_PlayerUpgradedHouse "{00FF00}Voce've upgraded Vocer house to level %i for $%i"
#define TXT_CannotAffordUpgrade "{FF0000}Voce cannot afford this upgrade"
#define TXT_NoHouseInSlot "{FF0000}Voce don't have a house in this house-slot"
#define TXT_ChangedHouseName "{00FF00}Voce've changed the name of Vocer house"
#define TXT_PlayerBoughtVehicle "{00FF00}Voce have bought a {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} for ${FFFF00}%i{00FF00}"
#define TXT_PlayerMustUseGetcarAndPark "{00FF00}Now get outside and use \"{FFFF00}/getcar{00FF00}\" to spawn it, then use \"{FFFF00}/park{00FF00}\" to park it near Vocer house"
#define TXT_PlayerMustUsePark "{00FF00}Voce've spawned Vocer vehicle, now use \"{FFFF00}/park{00FF00}\" to park it near Vocer house"
#define TXT_CannotAffordVehicle "{FF0000}Voce can't afford to buy this vehicle"
#define TXT_PlayerSoldHouse "{00FF00}Voce've sold Vocer house"
#define TXT_PlayerSoldVehicle "{00FF00}Voce've sold Vocer {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} for ${FFFF00}%i{00FF00}"
#define TXT_NoVehicleInSlot "{FF0000}No vehicle exists in this vehicle-slot"
#define TXT_DialogTitleBuyInsurance "Buy insurance?"
#define TXT_DialogBuyInsurance "Are Voce sure Voce want to buy an insurance for Vocer house's vehicles for $%i?"
#define TXT_HouseAlreadyHasInsurance "{FF0000}This house already has an insurance for it's vehicles"
#define TXT_PlayerBoughtInsurance "{00FF00}Voceve bought a vehicle-insurance for all vehicles in this house for $%i"
#define TXT_CannotAffordInsurance "{FF0000}Voce cannot afford the vehicle-insurance"
// Business related
#define TXT_PickupBusinessOwned "%s\nOwned by: %s\nBusiness-level: %i\n/enter"
#define TXT_PickupBusinessForSale "%s\nAvailable for\n$%i\nEarnings: $%i\n/buybus"
#define TXT_DefaultBusinessName "%s's business"
#define TXT_PlayerBoughtBusiness "{33FF33}Voceve bought the business for ${FFCC33}%i"
#define TXT_PlayerOwnsMaxBusinesses "{FF0000}Voce already own the maximum amount of allowed businesses per player"
#define TXT_NoBusinessInSlot "{FF0000}Voce don't have a business in this business-slot"
#define TXT_DialogOldBusinessName "Old business-name: %s"
#define TXT_DialogEnterNewBusinessName "Give a new name to Vocer business"
#define TXT_ChangedBusinessName "{00FF00}Voce've changed the name of Vocer business"
#define TXT_BusinessReachedMaxLevel "{FF0000}Vocer business has reached the maximum level, Voce cannot upgrade it further"
#define TXT_SureSellBusiness "Are Voce sure Voce want to sell Vocer business for $%i?"
#define TXT_PlayerSoldBusiness "{00FF00}Voceve sold Vocer business"