Help with Host/VPS

Hello, I just bought a VPS with 1 IP and 1 GB HDD and 512MB RAM. So, Look, I got the IP, It is 98.746.**.*** . So, Look, I got the IP but the question is, Do I put that IP (Which I got from VPS) in my server.cfg in the bind section ? And Also Will I need to port forward a port with my VPS's IP ? And if yes, how ? So, DO I need to put my VPS IP in the bind section in the server.cfg and will I need to prt forward with that ip ?

No need to bind... vps automatically open the port when a program will going to use it

Ok but how will my server know that I am using that ip ? Like my VPs is hosted by and like do I need to put the ip in my server.cfg ? How will my server know to use that VPS's IP ? and do I need to port forward ? with my vps ?

Anyone ?

There is only 1 IP on the VPS, so the server will automatically use it, if you're having problems add this line:
bind 98.746.**.***

You don't need to port forward.

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