nonstop moving object

Hey everyone, i would like to know somthing,
Can i create an object which will move nonstop, i mean for example: the object will be moved from ls to lv and then back from lv to ls and repeat that again.
i had an idea to do that with timers, but i think it'll overload the server and cause lags, isn't it ?
another way i thought about is to do it like that :
	if(X == 1145.4467 && Y == 1214.2920 && Z == 10.8203)//1
		MoveObject(myobject,1298.6941, 2048.1809, 44.8367,3.0);
	if(X == 836.08 && Y == -2000.51 && Z == 30.0000)//1
		MoveObject(myobject,1532.9523, -2151.1907, 340.0000,3.0);
	if(X == 1532.9523 && Y == -2151.1907 && Z == 340.0000)//1
		MoveObject(myobject,1096.7158, -1808.5215, 80.0000,10.0);
	if(X == 1096.7158 && Y == -1808.5215 && Z == 80.0000)//1
		MoveObject(myobject,836.08, -2000.51, 13.60,5.0);
and repeat this timer every 10 mintues, will it cause lags ?

If you've an idea to do that without overload the server it'll be good


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