Not sure the Problem!! Server doesnt start

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[03:59:16] Server Plugins
[03:59:16] --------------
[03:59:16]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll

[03:59:16]  ===============================

[03:59:16]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[03:59:16]          Version:  2.8.1        

[03:59:16]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[03:59:16]  ===============================

[03:59:16]   Loaded.
[03:59:16]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6 by Incognito loaded ***

[03:59:16]   Loaded.
[03:59:16]  Loading plugin: whirlpool.dll
[03:59:16]  ==================
[03:59:16]   Whirlpool loaded
[03:59:16]  ==================
[03:59:16]   Loaded.
[03:59:16]  Loading plugin: nativechecker.dll
[03:59:16]   Loaded.
[03:59:16]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[03:59:16] Filterscripts
[03:59:16] ---------------
[03:59:16]   Loading filterscript 'Ladmin.amx'...
[03:59:16] ________________________________________
[03:59:16]            LAdmin Loading...            
[03:59:16] ________________________________________
 -Configuration Settings Loaded
[03:59:16]  -40 Forbidden Names Loaded
[03:59:16]  -10 Forbidden Tags Loaded
[03:59:16]  -11 Forbidden Words Loaded
[03:59:16] ________________________________________
[03:59:16]            LAdmin Version 4.0           
[03:59:16]                 Loaded                  
[03:59:16] ________________________________________
[03:59:16]      Date: 28/8/2013  Time: 3:59 :16   
[03:59:16] ________________________________________
[03:59:16] ________________________________________

[03:59:16]   Loading filterscript 'obj.amx'...
[03:59:16]   Loading filterscript 'shamal.amx'...
[03:59:16] -------------------------------------------
[03:59:16] Loaded 'Entering shamal as passenger [FS]'
[03:59:16] ----- v2.11 by BeckzyBoi © 07 - 2008 -----
[03:59:16] -------------------------------------------
[03:59:16]   Loading filterscript 's7.amx'...
[03:59:16]   Loading filterscript 'gears.amx'...
[03:59:16]  Mechanical Transmission by wups
[03:59:16] --------------------------------------

[03:59:16]   Loading filterscript 'andromeda.amx'...
[03:59:16]   Loading filterscript 'araquiel.amx'...
[03:59:16]   Loading filterscript 'bowling.amx'...
[03:59:16]   Loaded 8 filterscripts.

[03:59:16]   <dmap> DMap 0.3 // © 2008 DracoBlue //
[03:59:16]   <dmap> Loading ...
[03:59:16]   <dmap> .. done!
[03:59:16] -[ Project New York -PNY:RP-         
[03:59:16] -[ By: Chris - Version                           
[03:59:16] Number of vehicle models: 0
The script works fine on 0.3e but for some reason after updating to 0.3x this happens. I have updated all the plugings and includes as well as recompiled and still happens!

It's loaded probably by the look of the output. What's meant to be wrong with it?

when you try to join it. it just restarts.

Get crashdetect plugin to figure out why it's crashing for.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[05:07:20] Server Plugins
[05:07:20] --------------
[05:07:20]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll

[05:07:20]  ===============================

[05:07:20]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[05:07:20]          Version:  2.8.1        

[05:07:20]    © 2012 Alex "******" Cole  

[05:07:20]  ===============================

[05:07:20]   Loaded.
[05:07:20]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6 by Incognito loaded ***

[05:07:20]   Loaded.
[05:07:20]  Loading plugin: whirlpool.dll
[05:07:20]  ==================
[05:07:20]   Whirlpool loaded
[05:07:20]  ==================
[05:07:20]   Loaded.
[05:07:20]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.dll
[05:07:20]   CrashDetect v4.11.2 is OK.
[05:07:20]   Loaded.
[05:07:20]  Loading plugin: nativechecker.dll
[05:07:20]   Loaded.
[05:07:20]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[05:07:20] Filterscripts
[05:07:21] ---------------
[05:07:21]   Loading filterscript 'Ladmin.amx'...
[05:07:21] ________________________________________
[05:07:21]            LAdmin Loading...            
[05:07:21] ________________________________________
 -Configuration Settings Loaded
[05:07:21]  -40 Forbidden Names Loaded
[05:07:21]  -10 Forbidden Tags Loaded
[05:07:21]  -11 Forbidden Words Loaded
[05:07:21] ________________________________________
[05:07:21]            LAdmin Version 4.0           
[05:07:21]                 Loaded                  
[05:07:21] ________________________________________
[05:07:21]      Date: 28/8/2013  Time: 5:7 :21   
[05:07:21] ________________________________________
[05:07:21] ________________________________________

[05:07:21]   Loading filterscript 'obj.amx'...
[05:07:21]   Loading filterscript 'shamal.amx'...
[05:07:21] -------------------------------------------
[05:07:21] Loaded 'Entering shamal as passenger [FS]'
[05:07:21] ----- v2.11 by BeckzyBoi © 07 - 2008 -----
[05:07:21] -------------------------------------------
[05:07:21]   Loading filterscript 's7.amx'...
[05:07:21]   Loading filterscript 'gears.amx'...
[05:07:21]  Mechanical Transmission by wups
[05:07:21] --------------------------------------

[05:07:21]   Loading filterscript 'andromeda.amx'...
[05:07:21]   Loading filterscript 'araquiel.amx'...
[05:07:21]   Loading filterscript 'bowling.amx'...
[05:07:21]   Loaded 8 filterscripts.

[05:07:21]   <dmap> DMap 0.3 // © 2008 DracoBlue //
[05:07:21]   <dmap> Loading ...
[05:07:21]   <dmap> .. done!
[05:07:22] -[ Project New York -PNY:RP-         
[05:07:22] -[ By: Chris - Version ydro=-255                
[05:07:22] Number of vehicle models: 79

This is what i got after i installed crash detect!!!! there are no errors but just saw this

[05:07:22] -[ Project New York -PNY:RP-         
[05:07:22] -[ By: Chris - Version ydro=-255                
What is ydro=-255 never seen it before!!!

That message was printed before as well. It is not from crashdetect. If it was, then it would print:
pawn Код:
[debug]: // blablabla

[05:31:07] [debug] Server crashed while executing Ladmin.amx
[05:31:07] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[05:31:07] [debug] #0 native fclose () [004056f0] from samp-server.exe
[05:31:07] [debug] #1 000014d8 in ?? (0x001b94b0) from Ladmin.amx
[05:31:07] [debug] #2 00003454 in public F_OnPlayerConnect (0x00000000) from Ladmin.amx
[05:31:07] [debug] #3 0000cc94 in public OnPlayerConnect (0x00000000) from Ladmin.amx
[05:31:07] [debug] Native backtrace:
[05:31:07] [debug] #0 0049304b in ?? () from C:\Users\Christopher\Desktop\samp03\samp-server.exe
[05:31:07] [debug] #1 004056fd in ?? () from C:\Users\Christopher\Desktop\samp03\samp-server.exe
[05:31:07] [debug] #2 62a960ba in ?? () from C:\Users\Christopher\Desktop\samp03\plugins\crashdetect.dll
[05:31:07] [debug] #3 62a97fee in ?? () from C:\Users\Christopher\Desktop\samp03\plugins\crashdetect.dll
[05:31:07] [debug] #4 62a90091 in ?? () from C:\Users\Christopher\Desktop\samp03\plugins\crashdetect.dll
[05:31:07] [debug] #5 62a9610a in ?? () from C:\Users\Christopher\Desktop\samp03\plugins\crashdetect.dll
[05:31:07] [debug] #6 0046a25f in ?? () from C:\Users\Christopher\Desktop\samp03\samp-server.exe
[05:31:07] [debug] #7 00465dbd in ?? () from C:\Users\Christopher\Desktop\samp03\samp-server.exe
this is what i get when it crashes

Okay, fclose function crashes the server in OnPlayerConnect. You need to show us that callback.
By the way, read this post and do what it says. It sometimes gives more information such as lines that are very useful in each case.

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)


	if((strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Chris_Iceman",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"replacenorman_1",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"owner_blank_126",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Howard_Stern",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Leroy_Jethro_Gibbs",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"G_Callen",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"G_Callen",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
	|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0))
	    PlayerInfo[playerid][FiltOn] = 1;
    PlayerInfo[playerid][ChatF] = 0;
    PlayerInfo[playerid][Ghost] = 0;
    PlayerInfo[playerid][FakeRcon] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][Deaths] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][Kills] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][Frozen] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][TimesSpawned] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][Muted] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][MyFiltOn]= 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][Warnings] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][Caps] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][DoorsLocked] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][pCar] = -1;
	for(new i; i<PING_MAX_EXCEEDS; i++) PlayerInfo[playerid][pPing][i] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][SpamCount] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][SpamTime] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][PingCount] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][PingTime] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][FailLogin] = 0;
	PlayerInfo[playerid][ConnectTime] = gettime();
	new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128], file[256];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
	new tmp3[50]; GetPlayerIp(playerid,tmp3,50);
	if(ServerInfo[ConnectMessages] == 1)
		new checkname[24];
		GetPlayerName(playerid, checkname, 24);
        if((strcmp(checkname,"Leroy_Jethro_Gibbs",true) == 0)
        || (strcmp(checkname,"G_Callen",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(checkname,"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(checkname,"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(checkname,"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"owner_blank_126",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(checkname,"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(checkname,"rep_tyler_01",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(checkname,"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Aaron_Bloser",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(checkname,"owner_blank_126",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
		|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(playerid),"removedjess_245",true) == 0))
			//do nothing?
			for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
			    if((strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(i),"Leroy_Jethro_Gibbs",true) == 0)
			    || (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(i),"G_Callen",true) == 0)
				|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(i),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
				|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(i),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
				|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(i),"owner_blank_126",true) == 0)
				|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(i),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
				|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(i),"removedjess_245",true) == 0)
				|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(i),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
				|| (strcmp(ReturnPlayerName(i),"Removed_Chris",true) == 0))
			        new astr[256];
			        format(astr,sizeof(astr),"*** %s (%d) has joined the server [Silent]", PlayerName, playerid);
		    new pAKA[256]; pAKA = dini_Get("ladmin/config/aka.txt",tmp3);

	        if((strcmp(checkname,"Removed_Chris",true) == 0)
			|| (strcmp(checkname,"Katie_Doud",true) == 0)
			|| (strcmp(checkname,"Caleb_Doud",true) == 0)
			|| (strcmp(checkname,"Evan_Doud",true) == 0))
				format(str,sizeof(str),"*** %s (%d) has joined the server", PlayerName, playerid);
				if (strlen(pAKA) < 3) format(str,sizeof(str),"*** %s (%d) has joined the server", PlayerName, playerid);
				else if (!strcmp(pAKA,PlayerName,true)) format(str,sizeof(str),"*** %s (%d) has joined the server", PlayerName, playerid);
				else format(str,sizeof(str),"*** %s (%d) has joined the server (aka %s)", PlayerName, playerid, pAKA );
			for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && playerid != i)
				if(PlayerInfo[i][FakeRcon] == 1 || IsPlayerAdmin(i)) SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_SELENE,str);
				else {
					format(string,sizeof(string),"*** %s (%d) has joined the server", PlayerName, playerid);

    if (dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).("banned") == 1 && !IsPlayerNPC(playerid))
        SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "This name is banned from this server!");
       	SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Please visit to file a ban appeal");
		format(string,sizeof(string),"%s ID:%d was auto banned. Reason: Name banned from server",PlayerName,playerid);
		SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_SELENE, string);  print(string);
		SaveToFile("KickLog",string);  Ban(playerid);
	if(ServerInfo[NameKick] == 1 && !IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
		for(new s = 0; s < BadNameCount; s++) {
  			if(!strcmp(BadNames[s],PlayerName,true)) {
				SendClientMessage(playerid,red, "Your name is on our black list, you have been kicked.");
				format(string,sizeof(string),"%s ID:%d was auto kicked. (Reason: Forbidden name)",PlayerName,playerid);
				SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_SELENE, string);  print(string);
				SaveToFile("KickLog",string);  Kick(playerid);
				return 1;
	if(ServerInfo[PartNameKick] == 1 && !IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
		for(new s = 0; s < BadPartNameCount; s++) {
			new pos;
			while((pos = strfind(PlayerName,BadPartNames[s],true)) != -1) for(new i = pos, j = pos + strlen(BadPartNames[s]); i < j; i++)
				SendClientMessage(playerid,red, "Your name is not allowed on this server, you have been kicked.");
				format(string,sizeof(string),"%s ID:%d was auto kicked. (Reason: Forbidden name)",PlayerName,playerid);
				SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_SELENE, string);  print(string);
				SaveToFile("KickLog",string);  Kick(playerid);
				return 1;
	if(ServerInfo[Locked] == 1) {
		PlayerInfo[playerid][AllowedIn] = false;
		SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"Server is Locked!  You have 20 seconds to enter the server password before you are kicked!");
		SendClientMessage(playerid,red," Type /password [password]");
		LockKickTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("AutoKick", 20000, 0, "i", playerid);
	if(strlen(dini_Get("ladmin/config/aka.txt", tmp3)) == 0) dini_Set("ladmin/config/aka.txt", tmp3, PlayerName);
	    if( strfind( dini_Get("ladmin/config/aka.txt", tmp3), PlayerName, true) == -1 )
		    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s,%s", dini_Get("ladmin/config/aka.txt",tmp3), PlayerName);
		    dini_Set("ladmin/config/aka.txt", tmp3, string);
		//SendClientMessage(playerid,orange, "ACCOUNT: Type /sregister [password] to create an account");
	    PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] = 1;
		new tmp2[256]; tmp2 = dini_Get(file,"ip");
		if( (!strcmp(tmp3,tmp2,true)) && (ServerInfo[AutoLogin] == 1) )
			if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] > 0)
				format(string,sizeof(string),"ACCOUNT: You have been automatically logged in. (Level %d)", PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] );
 		else SendClientMessage(playerid, green, "ACCOUNT: You are a registered Admin,  login using /Adminlogin [password]");
 	return 1;

It's probably from SaveToFile function. Can you show is as well? And please, do:
Originally Posted by 0x5A656578
Посмотреть сообщение
Setting compiler options via pawno\settings.ini doesn't work for some reason, but you can create a file "pawn.cfg" in pawno directory and specify compiler options there, i.e like in this topic:

Note that you need -d3 as I mentioned in the first post (maybe -d2 will work too - I didn't check)
and re-compile your script. Start again your server and show what it prints. If it shows lines, it will be easier to find and fix it.

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