Server filterscripts problem. Please Help

Hey, Im not sure if this is the right place where to write it. But i hope it is.

I Have a problem with my server ( windows ), and i just cant find out whats the problem.
In pervious versions of samp ex. 0.3e i was able to use atleast 6+ filterscripts in my server.cfg filterscripts line.
Now its like limited to 2.
So lets say i have it like this --> filterscripts script1 script2 script3 script4
Only script1 works. Script2 and Script3 are half working ( not sure how to say. like some commands work and some not) and script4 does not work at all

i want to use 3 filterscripts. but i just can't because 2nd and 3rd are half working
But if i use 2 filterscripts. They Both work perfectly, if i add more, only 1st one works

If Someone knows what is the problem. Please help.

Make sure you have those filterscripts on your 'filterscripts' folder and make sure they are with the correct name.
Also check if they have the required plugins or includes.
Or, compile them.
Hope that something that I told you worked :/

Everything is correctly placed and named and compiled. i checked like 20times. :/

Try loading the filterscripts from the Gamemode, I suppose there could be issues reading the server.cfg:

pawn Код:
SendRconCommand("loadfs fsname");
Put those under OnGameModeInit().

Only cmds are not working? If yes then i think ur gamemode have zcmd or dcmd n ur fs hv strcmp or dcmd , or you need to recompile these fs n see that all of these are working perfectly or check that u have all types of includes and plugins which these fs want ... If these are ok, then i think there would be some things included in ur gm or gm includes files which is not allowing fs to load their functions , so check ur fs.. N see is there any problem..

XcorelloX, It worked. Thank You
Thanks everyone who tried to help

Edit: Okay. i added 6 fs. only 3 are working lol. so. I dont know. :/

Maybe theres a conflict, show me ur server.cfg

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password iwontshowyou
maxplayers 50
port 7798
hostname >> Haapsalu TDM [0.3x] <<
gamemode0 HTDM4 1
announce 1
plugins whirlpool sscanf streamer
query 1
chatlogging 0
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
There you go. Currently im not using any fs cuz not needed. but i dont really want a TDM so. i would like to use Fses but. u know.

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