25.08.2013, 02:07
Last edited by xganyx; 01/10/2013 at 12:31 PM.
Reason: Update v2.5
Last Update: Version 2.5 Date: 30/9/2013
Script Lines: 3000 lines
What news in this version?
Register/Login System in Dialog
Hashed password with udb_hash
VIP system
Anti Jetpack Hack
Alots of admin commands
Player Info: Admin Level, Pass, VIP Level, Cash, Mute, Ban, Freeze, Kills, Deaths
Admin island v2.5
Bot feature v2.5
Freeze, mute, jail system
Logs file
5 Admin Level
New list admin commands
VIP commands
Player Commands
Read the readme.txt file in the WazAdmin 2.5.rar file!!
Making your own command
Admin Command
VIP Commands
ScreenLast Update: Version 2.5 Date: 30/9/2013
Script Lines: 3000 lines
What news in this version?
v2.5 _ Added Bot Feature!!! _ Added Jail system!!! _ Added Admin island!!! _ Fixed bug: • /vcmds command buggy!!!... Now fixed • /rcon wrcon command buggy!!!... Fixed • Dialog 2nd rcon!! Fixed _ Reset admin commands dialog v2.4 Added Chat,Ban,Kick logs in define Added 2ND Rcon Don't use zcmd anymore. Now is YCMD v2.3 Fixed unban command Anti jetpack haved a define Added Command: /frozed, /muted Chat room for VIP and Admin Added Rcon panel in command: /rcon wrcon v2.2 Fixed ban command When player has been banned he can going to server now fixed when player has been banned he can't going to server Fixed command /stats Added command /vips v2.1 Added New Commands For Admin Level 4 and level 5 Added VIP system Added Anti JetPack |
Register/Login System in Dialog
Hashed password with udb_hash
VIP system
Anti Jetpack Hack
Alots of admin commands
Player Info: Admin Level, Pass, VIP Level, Cash, Mute, Ban, Freeze, Kills, Deaths
Admin island v2.5
Bot feature v2.5
Freeze, mute, jail system
Logs file
5 Admin Level
New list admin commands
Level 1: /acmds, /aland, /adoor, /agate /duty, /reports, /goto, /gethere, /mute, /unmute, /getinfo, /clearchat, /slap, /asay, /repair, /a(chat) Level 2: /freeze, /unfreeze, /jail, /unjail /announce, /spec, /specoff, /acar, /abike, /aboat, /aplane, /heal, /armour, /car, /fstyle, /explode, /kick Level 3: /akill, /jetpack, /gethereall, /godcar, /givemoney, /giveweapon, /setmoney, /sethp, /setarmor, /setfstyle, /setskin, /setcolor, /ban, /unban Level 4: /slapall, /explodeall, /killall, /muteall, /unmuteall, /healall, /armourall Level 5: /setallskin, /lockserver, /unlockserver, /gmx, /warn, /fakeban, /fakekick, /fakemute, /frozed, /muted Rcon: /makemegodadmin, /makeadmin, /makevip, /rcon wrcon
Bronze VIP: /vcmds, /vtime, /vworld, /vfix, /vcarcolor, /vc(hat) Silver VIP: /vskin, /vbike, /vheli, /vboat, /vplane, /vjetpack Golden VIP: /vcar, /vheal, /varmour, /vnos
/stats, /admins, /vips, /changepass, /report, /closereport
pawn Code:
#define ANTI_JETPACK 1 // 1 = Kick, 2 = Ban, 3 = Nothing
#define CHAT_LOG false
#define BAN_LOG false
#define KICK_LOG false
//2nd rcon
#define #define RCON_PASS "changeme"
Read the readme.txt file in the WazAdmin 2.5.rar file!!
Making your own command
Admin Command
pawn Code:
// Your Code Here
else return Error(playerid,1)
return 1;
pawn Code:
if(pInfo[playerid][WazzVIPLevel] >= 1)
// Your Code Here
else return Error(playerid,11)
return 1;
Full admin island
Auto close open gate system
And Finaly Download
WazAdmin (Version 2.5) (Recommender)
WazAdmin (Version 2.4) (Out of Recommender)
WazAdmin (Version 2.3) (Out of Recommender)
WazAdmin (Version 2.2) (Out of Recommender)
WazAdmin (Version 2.1) (Out of Recommender)
WazAdmin (Version 2.0 Beta version) (Out Of Recommender)
Me (WazzUp) _Jake_ (Jake_Hero) For the Admin logo in the script and /setcolor commands ****** For YSI, sscanf, foreach SA-MP TEAM For a_samp And Finaly You For reading this :D v2.5 Incognito - streamer plugin