i need help to make chekpoints

hi evry body xD
before anything i want to say my english is very bad and im sorry
i want to make two chekpoints
but i can just make one chekpoint in a game mode !!!
how can i do that ?
pls help

Important Note: Checkpoints are asynchronous, meaning only one can be shown at a time. - source wiki

i know only one can be shown at a time , but how to add some chekpoints in some place and when player is near the one chekpoint player will se that .....
in some server i saw for entering the houses any house have one chekpoint
but how ?

Originally Posted by soroushdarkness13
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i know only one can be shown at a time , but how to add some chekpoints in some place and when player is near the one chekpoint player will se that .....
in some server i saw for entering the houses any house have one chekpoint
but how ?
im sorry i would like to help but i cant understand what you are asking do you mean how to set one checkpoint and then when the player is near that checkpoint it sets another checkpoint somewhere else?

no no no !
for ex : i maked two chekpoint
with setplayerchekpoint
but how can i use two setplayerchekpoint in a script ?

as Doreto said you can only use 1 checkpoint at a time...?

Originally Posted by doreto
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Important Note: Checkpoints are asynchronous, meaning only one can be shown at a time. - source wiki
Maybe this will help you:


under: Tutorials about Checkpoints

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