What hack is this?



Not my video, one of my players.

Spam + Fakekill

For the record it is s0b3it, the new edition.

It was Danil_Brasill doing it (as you can see him being constantly killed) using a fake-kill hack.

EDIT: Just noticed I bumped this.. sorry.

Check the distance between killer and victim, or the time between subsequent deaths of the victim. In normal circumstances you don't die more than once per second.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Check the distance between killer and victim, or the time between subsequent deaths of the victim. In normal circumstances you don't die more than once per second.
How do you know who is doing it though?

Get the id of the player that was recently killed and get his time of death. When he dies again, compare his time and if it's below a second or something that close, he's the hacker.. or you could use a distance check like Vince said. Or a combination of both.

Stop bullshiting, that isn't any s0b.
That is TVOpcode's cleo hack pack, don't say what you don't know.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Check the distance between killer and victim, or the time between subsequent deaths of the victim. In normal circumstances you don't die more than once per second.
This. And check for certain weapons. In the end when the player crashed, that hacker was "killed" by a rocket launcher. You can't directly be killed by a rocket laucher, you can only be killed by it's explosions. (Which is a different ID.)

Use OnPlayerGiveDamage or OnPlayerTakeDamage callback to check if player1 give any damage to player2 and if not then they are fakekill.

The distance does not matter so much, because I can shoot you 1 bullet of Deagle, teleport away and you type /kill. I will get the kill and I will be detected as a cheater.. The time a player dies is all you need to detect it.

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