
Hello all,
I do have a host and ye, they want me to pay 5 USD's to upload my files... I can't upload it for 1 reason.... My .amx
Every time I try to download .amx file, that was I get in all of it ( This is 0.0001 % of it )

"ЂY#=ٹфPx.?ٹфPЂY3ٹфX5ٹُ پ '‹њX'Њوі™)'Ђ{(,,„l0پ ''ѓ·)|'Ђ{,پ 'پы)'Ђ{,پ پx'‹*$'پ پыt'Ђ{,پ پыt'ے*)|'Ђ{(,پ )t)x)|'Ђ{-,پ ' 3ٹчLپ ЂnыыѓtЂ@ٹщ<پ ѓЧыЂyѓs" ЂNЂW >ٹщ4پ پtپx'ѓ·پы'‹*h'پ پыt'Ђ{, پ پыt'ے*)ы'Ђ{(,3ٹч@,پ ,„l0.پ ѓЧЂyѓs" ЂNЂW Ђ@ٹْ4پ ЂY0پ ' ,ے ЂYےЂwЂ`,ے ЂY‏<ЂwЂ`,ь ЂYْ<Ђw„ ,ь ЂYِ<Ђw„ ' پ پ|پِ8'‹*,)'1‚ѓ 5ٹь4پ '‹*8'Њوі™)'Ђ{(,,‰H0پ 'پے)'Ђ{,پ 'پ‏<)ِ8'Ђ{,پ پ|پ‏<'‹،8'پ پْ<'Ђ{,پ پ|'‹ў4'پ پِ<'Ђ{,پ پْ<'ے*)'Ђ{(,پ پِ<'…إіُ*)ِ8'Ђ{(,پ )|)ِ8'Ђ{ЂC,پ ,‰H0.پ ѓЧЂyѓs" ЂNЂW Ђ@‹Ђ پ ЂY0پ ,ے ЂYے ЂwЂ`,ے ЂY‏@ЂwЂ`,ь ЂYْ@Ђw„ ,ь ЂYِ@Ђw„ ' ' پ پِ<پِ8'‹Ј`)'1‚ѓ 5‹‚ پ '‹Јl'Њوі™)'Ђ{(,,‰H0پ 'پے )'Ђ{,پ 'پ‏@)ِ8'Ђ{,پ پِ<پ‏@'‹¤`'پ پْ@'Ђ{,پ پِ<'‹ҐX'پ پِ@'Ђ{,پ پْ@'…إіُ*)'Ђ{(,پ پِ@'…إіُ*)ِ8'Ђ{(,پ )ِ<)ِ8'Ђ{ЂD,پ ,‰H0.پ ' ' ' پ ѓЧЂyѓs" ЂNЂW >‹‹xپ ٹ“4Ђyѓs$ٹ“4ЂyѓsЂT+5‹‰0پ پtپxپ|)'Ђ{=,پ t%$'1$)x)|)'Ђ{!,پ

So, I'm searching for any one to help me, here or in PM please..
P.S: I don't know why this does happen in EVERY gamemode or any thing that does have .amx :/
Thanks again!

What host are you using? Did you contact them about this upload error?

.amx's are supposed to be like this, all of them are. I don't see why you are not able to upload them.

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