Audio_OnSetPack Error

C:\Documents and Settings\pad\Desktop\LSRP\gamemodes\LSRP.pwn(3433) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "Audio_OnSetPack

ok i had an error compiling with 0.3x with audio_seek so changed to Audio_SetPosition

but my final and only error is the Audio_OnSetPack

any ideas guys sorry

Find the Audio_OnSetPack public function and copy it all except the word "public". Go above this public function by a line and paste the function, but write before it "forward" and end it with a semicolon, so it would be like this (but of course replace the dots with the whole function)
pawn Код:
forward Audio_OnSetPack ..........);

thank you very very much matey + REP

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