Object Slots Used: 999 but 804 objects created in the GameMode


I have 804 objects in my gamemode (CreateObject) , and 423 DynamicObject (Incognito's streamer) created under GameModeinit.

When I hold F5 it says Object Slots used: 999.

What is the reason of this? Any possible fix? I can't add anymore objects via CreateObject() DynamicObjects disappear after a while. (15-20 seconds)

Can someone sort this out for me?

PS. I haven't tested by unloading filterscripts, but I doubt there are any objects loading via a FS.

Don't use so mnay CreateObjects() the streamer will only be able to show so many objects.

Im using 804, the limit is 999, why should this even happen?

Because CreateObject is Showed ALL THE TIME, and CreateDynamicObject is Destroyed once you go far away from them. If you see 100 dynamics object; it's equal to 804 (createobject) + 100 dynamics objects -> 904 Object showed at the time.

So convert all your object on Dynamic Object, and you wont get any problems

Sorry for my english btw, i'm french.

The streamer doesn't just magically remove the object limit. It creates and destroys objects depending on where the player is. The 1,000 object limit at any given time is still there.

Keep in mind the 1000 object limit may be an absolute value but there is no certainty that you can max out the object count without crashing the player depending on object choices.

What should I do then? Move some dynamic objects to createobject or move some createobject to dynamic object? I cant remove any maps and sadly the objects are stacked at an small area:
Ranging from area51to the airstrip and up to the small town above the airstrip

convert createobject into createdynamicobject with convertffs it take a few seconds

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